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Beauty VISION — renews the skin, hair and nails and promotes the regeneration process.

SKU Beauty
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Beauty VISION helps women and men to maintain their natural beauty and health. It slows down the skin aging process and prevents wrinkles.

Thanks to its high efficiency, the ingredients of the supplement Beauty VISION are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, thereby improving skin tone and protecting cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and internal stress.

Complex Beauty VISION moisturises, nourishes and tightens the skin. Increases its elasticity and density by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Activates the regeneration of hair, nails and skin cells. Effectively fights skin defects, eliminates microinflammation, dull complexion, narrows enlarged pores.

Biologically active supplement Beauty VISION will increase your attractiveness and help to preserve your beauty for many years.

Fish oil and its elements, including omega-3, are essential for healthy and beautiful skin, as well as for strengthening hair and nails. They provide the right level of moisturisation. Play a role in preventing dermatitis. Help to better renew cells and repair tissues, lipid layer. Well nourish and strengthen, prevent premature aging.

Lecithin relieves inflammation and skin irritation, stimulates cell regeneration, improves structure and prevents wrinkles. Lecithin, being an antioxidant, protects the skin from the negative effects of free radicals.

L-cystine is necessary for the synthesis of alpha-keratin, the main protein of skin, hair and nails. Cystine for beauty is, above all, to slow down ageing processes on a biological level. Taking it improves the appearance of hair, strengthens nails and minimises signs of skin ageing.

Vitamin A promotes the production of collagen, a protein that maintains the elasticity and density of the skin. Reduces the appearance of age spots. Helps eliminate old skin cells and promotes the regeneration of new, healthier and smoother skin cells.

Vitamin C promotes the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin and prevents the breakdown of these fibres. Lightens age spots, making the complexion tone more even. Helps to regenerate hair fibres along the entire length of the hair, stimulates growth and prevents hair loss. Provides effective antioxidant protection.

Vitamin E is known as the vitamin of «beauty and youth». This nutrient is a part of cell membranes, gives the skin elasticity and plasticity, protects skin cells from the aging process. Strengthens the skin barrier, hair and nails. Protects against sun rays. Activates blood microcirculation, which has a positive effect on hair follicles — hence its high reputation for hair growth and nail strengthening.

Zinc promotes collagen synthesis. It improves the skin's protective properties, evens out skin tone and makes the relief more even. Regulates sebum production, helps prevent clogged pores and acne formation. Strengthens nails, which need zinc for proper growth. Improves hair growth and reduces hair fall and loss of shine.

Vitamin B6 protects the skin from premature aging, promotes skin cell renewal. Regulates the sebaceous glands: fights greasy shine and acne. Strengthens hair and nails: makes them stronger and healthier. It has an antioxidant effect: it protects the skin from free radicals.

Biotin is one of the most important micronutrients used to improve the beauty of hair and skin. It can also help improve the condition of nail plates. In most cases, people who experience hair loss or dry scalp are biotin deficient.

Properties of complex Beauty:

  • Supports the healthy condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Improves the structure of hair and nails and increases their strength.
  • Nourishes skin cells, improves complexion and helps to eliminate wrinkles.
  • Prevents skin dryness, improves skin elasticity and density by stimulating collagen and elastin production. 
  • Renews skin cells, hair and nails, activates regeneration processes. 
  • Provides protection from the damaging effects of free radicals, which helps to slow down the aging of skin cells.
  • Protects the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Effectively fights skin imperfections, cleanses it from the inside.
  • Contributes to the preservation of youthful skin.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Regulates metabolism.
  • Helps to reduce cholesterol.
  • Neutralises the effect of toxins contained in cosmetics.
  • Normalises the adrenal and sex glands.
  • Maintains a balanced hormonal system.
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots, impaired cerebral circulation.
  • Helps preserve cognitive function.
  • Stabilises emotional state.
  • Replenishes the lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, biologically active substances.

Recommended as a dietary food supplement — a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, phospholipids, L-cystine, an additional source of zinc and vitamins C, E, B6, beta-carotene, biotin.
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


FISH OIL preserves the beauty and youthfulness of facial skin. The effectiveness of fish oil intake can be compared to expensive hardware cosmetological procedures. Regular use of Beauty VISION capsules slows down skin ageing and helps to moisturise the skin. Fish oil contains a significant amount of vitamin A, which is important for the skin regeneration process, boosts immunity and increases defence against bacteria that can cause inflammation. If you take vitamin A constantly, it normalises the sebaceous glands, acne goes away. Vitamin D has a complex effect on the whole body and contributes to the resistance of the skin to aggressive environmental factors, such as excessively dry air, excess sun. It promotes healing of wounds. It also provides an even and beautiful skin colour, which becomes especially important with age, when the skin's ability to regenerate decreases. Also from the vitamins in fish oil is worth highlighting vitamin E, which provides the skin integrity, smoothness and elasticity. Tocopherol strengthens the skin barrier, hair and nails. Protects against sun damage. Activates blood microcirculation, which has a positive effect on hair follicles. Fish oil helps to cope with age-related problems that make themselves known both in youth and in adulthood. It will benefit both young skin and fading skin. For younger skin, regular consumption of fish oil can reduce the risk of the so-called pimples and acne, which manifest as rashes. For fading skin — the presence of fish oil in the diet becomes an excellent preventive measure against wrinkles and the formation of age spots. It is proven that fish oil reduces inflammation in the skin, restores the integrity of the epidermal barrier. Externally, this is expressed in the reduction of redness, flaking and irritation of the skin.

OMEGA-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are part of the body's cells and help form the skin's natural oil barrier. This barrier helps the skin stay moisturised, supple and radiant. They are considered essential because our bodies cannot store or produce them. If we don't get enough essential fatty acids in our diet, the quality of our skin can deteriorate significantly. Omega-3's have powerful antioxidant properties that prevent free radical damage to skin cells, play a huge role in fighting premature skin aging, and prevent wrinkles. Omega-3 PUFAs inhibit the development of allergies, help the immune system to fight the inflammatory process of the skin (acne), accelerate the healing of wounds, reduce the severity of residual effects in the form of scars, eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, reduce itching and inflammation of the scalp with dandruff, give hair shine and healthy look, protect the skin from the damaging effects of sunlight, help retain moisture in it, etc. Thanks to omega-3 improves the condition of blood vessels and capillaries of the skin, harmoniously maintain metabolic processes in it, as a result of which the skin more actively gets rid of toxins, better renew its cells, fully formed protective shell of the skin — the hydrolipidic layer. The skin looks more radiant, moisturised and healthy. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids improve the health of joints, heart, brain and vision. Protect large blood vessels and capillaries, thin the blood, prevent thrombosis and cerebral circulatory disorders, lower blood cholesterol levels, prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. Increase immunity and normalise the work of the glands of internal secretion. In addition, omega-3 play an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses and are essential for normalising psycho-emotional states and memory processes, as well as improving brain function. Omega-3s stimulate mental activity by increasing blood flow to the brain. They help with depression, psychosis, emotional and behavioural disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and chronic fatigue.

LECITHIN (sunflower) is a phospholipid, which is an important component of cell membranes. It ensures their integrity and participates in the transmission of nerve impulses. It has powerful antioxidant properties. It relieves inflammation and skin irritation, stimulates cell regeneration, improves cell structure and prevents wrinkles. Lecithin optimises the function of sebaceous glands, increases the skin's ability to «breathe». It restores skin barrier functions and promotes deeper penetration of biologically active substances into the epidermis. The main property of lecithin is its ability to provide «access» vitamins A, E, K in the deeper layers of the dermis. Lecithin rejuvenates the skin, returns its elasticity, stimulates brain function, improves memory, has a mild sedative effect on the nervous system, restores liver function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. Lecithin is also successfully used in the fight against hair loss and makes them silky, voluminous, shiny and manageable. By providing the body with an additional dose of phospholipids, it is possible to replace damaged cell membranes and restore their function. Such therapy is called lipid replacement therapy. Relieves the symptoms of menopause due to the presence of special phytoestrogens in the composition. Activates the production and maintains healthy levels of female sex hormones due to the release of arachidonic acid when broken down in the intestinal tract.

L- CYSTINE belongs to the group of sulphur-containing amino acids. In the body it is the main component of almost all proteins. And proteins are the basis for the beauty of skin, nails and hair, as well as youth in general. Cystine and cysteine are not synonymous, they are two different substances, but they are related. Cystine is an amino acid that is the oxidation product of cysteine. They both take part in the formation of peptides and proteins, play an important role in the processes of skin tissue formation and collagen formation. In order to get the cysteine we need from cysteine, a long biological process takes place in the body. The speed of its production is affected by the presence of specialised enzymes and a sufficient amount of B vitamins. The process is also affected by metabolic disorders and certain diseases, including liver disease. If you see L-cystine in the composition of the supplement, it is already a good sign. It is formed by connecting two cysteine molecules with a disulfide bridge. In general, it has all the same properties. In the body, the amino acid plays an important role and performs a number of useful functions: it participates in the formation of connective tissue, promotes the elimination of toxins, has an antioxidant effect, is a powerful anticarcinogenic, reduces the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine, due to the sulfur content improves the absorption of other nutrients in the cells, slows down the aging process, stimulates the growth of nails and hair, alleviates the symptoms of many diseases. Regular use of L-cystine improves the condition of nails and hair, complexion, increases the endurance of the body, strengthens its defences, resistance to infection, healing of injuries and traumas is much faster. The first signs of deficiency of this substance are displayed directly externally. Deterioration of skin and hair, brittle nails and rapid aging — all this may indicate a deficiency of amino acid. Problems in internal systems are less noticeable, but can lead to serious consequences. L-cystine deficiency can cause: increased hair and nail brittleness; premature skin aging; decreased vitality, loss of strength; physical exhaustion of the body, slowing down of regeneration processes; depressed state, depression and constant fatigue.

VITAMIN A has a tonic effect and normalises tissue metabolism. It participates in redox processes, in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, proteins, lipids, in mineral metabolism, cholesterol formation processes. Strengthens the process of cell division, has a positive effect on the function of tear, sebaceous and sweat glands. Vitamin A increases resistance to diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and intestines, as well as the body's resistance to infection. It enhances reproduction of epithelial cells of the skin, rejuvenates the cell population and reduces the number of cells that can no longer divide, inhibits the processes of keratinisation, activates the interaction of immunocompetent cells among themselves and epidermal cells. Stimulates skin regeneration. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from premature aging by inhibiting the activity of free radicals and preventing cell damage. Deficiency of the vitamin causes dry, cracked and flaky skin and acne. Vitamin A not only improves skin condition, but also protects against the ultraviolet component of sunlight by increasing antioxidant activity. Beta-carotene absorbs free radicals and acts as a «shield» for the skin. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to various extensive skin lesions, as cell growth and differentiation are impaired when this substance is deficient. In particular, with a deficiency of vitamin A metaplasia (transformation of one tissue of the body into another) and keratosis (keratinisation of tissue as a result of the deposition of keratin cells in it) occur. Disruption of the skin's defence function and reduced immunity leads to reduced resistance of the whole body to infections.

VITAMIN C is the main water-soluble antioxidant in blood and tissues. When it comes to skin, its main function is to promote the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as to prevent the destruction of collagen fibres. It promotes the restoration of hair fibres along their entire length, stimulates their growth and prevents hair loss. Ascorbic acid is important for the growth and repair of tissue cells, gums, bones, cartilage and teeth, promoting iron absorption by the body and accelerating healing. Vitamin C strengthens the human immune system, protects it from viruses and bacteria, accelerates the healing process of wounds, influences the synthesis of a number of hormones, regulates the hematopoietic process and normalises capillary permeability, regulates metabolism, removes toxins, improves bile secretion, restores the external secretory function of the pancreas and thyroid gland. Vitamin C prolongs youth. In case of couperosis or redness of the skin ascorbic acid protects the walls of blood vessels and capillaries and reduces their fragility. Vitamin C hides acne and rashes, removes inflammation and irritation on the skin. Another important advantage of vitamin C is the protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation, especially the rays of spectrum A, which cause not burns, but the destruction of skin fibres — imperceptible at first glance changes that in the future lead to the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin C also moisturises the skin by forming a protective lipid barrier and preventing transepidermal moisture loss. It also brightens and evens out the complexion. This is due to the fact that the vitamin blocks the synthesis of the tyrosinase enzyme and reduces the production of melanin. Vitamin C is not synthesised in the body, so it is important to make up for its deficiency with a properly formulated diet, as well as taking a complex of vitamins.

VITAMIN E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is an important antioxidant. It is known as the vitamin of «beauty and youth». This nutrient is part of cell membranes, gives the skin elasticity and plasticity, protects skin cells, stimulates the formation of proteins responsible for skin regeneration, and thus — resists premature ageing. In addition, proper and timely regeneration of skin tissues helps rapid healing of irritations and micro-damage. Tocopherol strengthens blood vessels, thanks to this property it improves blood circulation and saturation of the skin with useful substances and oxygen. Activating blood microcirculation, vitamin E gives the skin a healthy colour, elasticity and natural shine. Also, by strengthening blood vessels, it prevents excessive hair loss, makes hair thicker and silkier and strengthens nails. As an antioxidant, vitamin E strengthens the immune system, protects body cells from premature ageing, reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with oxidative stress (cataracts, arthritis, tumours, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, vascular diseases, etc.). If the body receives enough vitamin E, the cells of organs and systems are protected from the damaging effects of free radicals, pathogenic viruses and from harmful bacteria. Vitamin E is very important for women, as it is involved in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, secretion organs and reproductive system. The compound stimulates the production of important female hormones, resulting in firmer and smoother skin. Another important function of vitamin E is that it can protect vitamin A, which also prevents skin aging.

ZINC is known for its ability to positively affect many organs and tissues in the human body. Among other things, zinc is extremely important for beauty. It improves the skin's defence properties, evens out skin tone and makes the relief more even. It promotes collagen synthesis, helping the skin to retain its structure and elasticity. This is especially important for maintaining youthful skin and preventing wrinkles. Zinc regulates the production of sebum (an oily substance produced by the skin), which helps prevent clogged pores and acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce inflammation and redness. Zinc is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful external factors such as sunlight, air pollution and stress. It helps to maintain the skin's youthful appearance and prevents premature aging. The micronutrient has properties that promote faster healing of injuries and reduce skin irritation, while reducing the risk of residual blemishes and scarring. Strengthens nails, which need zinc for proper growth. Stimulates hair growth, reduces hair loss and loss of shine. Zinc is an important element for the formation of bone tissue, regeneration of body cells, brain function, strengthening the immune system and DNA synthesis. The trace element is an indispensable component in antioxidant processes. Its deficiency can cause many problems for the human body and appearance.

VITAMIN B6 is involved in metabolism — it is important for triggering 150 biochemical reactions in the body. The vitamin is also essential for the normal functioning of virtually all internal organs, the central and peripheral nervous system, supports the health of skin, hair and bones. Pyridoxine contributes to the proper digestion of proteins and fats, improves the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids and helps to eliminate excess fluid. It helps prevent various neurological and skin diseases. This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that regulate emotions, including serotonin, dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It plays a leading role in reducing high amino acid levels of homocysteine, which is associated with depression and other mental disorders, increases the production of serotonin, the mood and joy hormone. Promotes proper synthesis of nucleic acids that prevent aging. Reduces nocturnal muscle spasms, calf muscle cramps, hand numbness and some forms of limb neuritis. Vitamin B6 provides collagen synthesis and participates in many metabolic processes, so a lack of vitamin B6 in the body can negatively affect the condition of hair and skin. It regulates the work of sebaceous glands and fights greasy shine and acne. Cosmetologists have long called vitamin B6 a real elixir for healthy hair. Brittleness, split ends and dull colour are all clear signs of vitamin B6 deficiency in our daily diet.

D-BIOTIN (Vitamin B7) normalises blood sugar levels, promotes the synthesis of vital microelements, eliminates discomfort caused by vaginal candidiasis and heart problems, improves skin quality, promotes weight loss and normalises metabolism. This vitamin is a catalyst for various metabolic reactions in the human body and helps to produce extra energy. The amount of biotin in the human body regularly decreases, so we need to constantly replenish the reserves of this trace element. Vitamin B7 deficiency can lead to anaemia, depression, hair loss, muscle aches and fatigue. Other symptoms of biotin deficiency include the appearance of dandruff, dermatitis and decreased appetite. The D-Biotin form is the only one of the eight forms of biotin that is fully biologically active! Biotin is part of the enzymes that regulate and normalise protein and fat balance. This ingredient is a source of sulphur, which stimulates the synthesis of your own collagen. Vitamin B7 prevents photo-aging of the skin, protecting it from excessive ultraviolet radiation and is not accidentally included in the group of beauty vitamins. By stimulating collagen formation, biotin helps speed up the regeneration of skin damage. D-Biotin restores the natural hydrolipidic barrier, protects the skin from harmful external influences, helps to moisturise and prevent dryness and flaking. Vitamin B7 has soothing properties, perfectly fights irritations, increases skin elasticity and firmness, makes it tighter. With a lack of this component slows down the growth of hair and nails. The nail plate becomes brittle, the skin acquires an unhealthy appearance, becomes too oily, flaky. Hair loss can also be the result of biotin deficiency. In women, this problem is observed more often, because in the female body it is produced less. In normal amounts, this component normalises the balance of fatty acids in the body: the scalp becomes less oily, improves the structure and appearance of the hair. Another important role of biotin: it provides the skin, nails and hair with sulphur, which is vital for them.


Beauty VISION Бьюти Визион


You need a complex Beauty if you are:

  • A young girl or woman who wants to preserve your beauty and youthfulness;
  • a young woman over 30 years old who wants to stay young and beautiful and prevent ageing processes;
  • a woman over 40 years old who wants to restore the structure of skin, hair, nails and push back age-related changes;
  • a man or woman who has problems with hair, nails, skin and wants to restore their healthy appearance;
  • a man or woman who wants to maintain healthy skin, hair, nails for many years.


Thanks to Beauty VISION you will be able to:

  • maintain and restore the healthy condition of your skin, nails and hair;
  • neutralise the effects of toxins from unnatural decorative cosmetics;
  • help your body maintain youthful skin, strengthen the top layer of your nails and hair and make them stronger;
  • reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and restore normal blood circulation, as well as prevent thrombosis;
  • prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension;
  • postpone for a long time the aging process and various age-related changes;
  • restore and normalise metabolism.


Directions for use:

Adults take one capsule daily with a large glass of water. If necessary, two capsules can be taken daily.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

60 capsules.

Composition of vitamins Beauty VISION:

Ingredients 1 capsule %NRV*
Fish oil concentrate 200 mg **
Оmega-3 fatty acids 40 mg **
Lecithin (sunflower) 43,96 mg **
L-cystine 30 mg **
Vitamin A 1000 µg 125
Vitamin C 40 mg 50
Vitamin E  4 mg 33
Zinc 10 mg 100
Vitamin B6 1,4 mg 100
D-Biotin 2500 µg 500

*NRV: Nutrient Reference Value, %
**Daily Value not established.

Manufacturer JSC «Švenčionių vaistažolės»
Country of manufacture Lithuania
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic bottle
Quantity in a package 60 pcs.
Age group For adults
Dosage Adults take one capsule daily with a large glass of water. If necessary, two capsules can be taken daily.
Components Fish oil concentrate, containing Оmega-3 fatty acids; Lecithin (sunflower); L-cystine; Vitamin A; Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid); Vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol); Zinc; Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride); D-Biotin (Vitamin B7).

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