Why can't you wash down capsules with juice? 

We all know that capsules and tablets should be taken with water. But in the hustle and bustle of life, we may forget this basic truth and use another available beverage.

We remind S2S-VISION customers why you shouldn't drink juice or tea with capsules:

💦 Why are capsules and tablets washed down with water?

Liquid is needed for the medicine to pass freely through the pharynx and oesophagus to the stomach and begin to take effect. 

All doctors agree that the best way to drink a capsule or tablet is with about 100 ml of ordinary water at room temperature.

Drinking still water serves as a neutral medium for chemical reactions between other compounds. It does not interact with the medicine and does not change its effect. It also helps the capsules (tablets) to move from the mouth to the stomach and prevents them from getting stuck somewhere along the way. It is better to drink a full glass of water, at least 150-200 ml, so you are less likely to taste the bitter taste of the tablet and it will not stick to your throat.


What should not be used to wash down medicines and dietary supplements?

☕️ Coffee 
Caffeine nullifies the effects of sedatives. And painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with coffee intensify and have a more toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, heart.

🫖 Tea
Tea contains tannins, which affect the rate of drug absorption. They are also capable of forming insoluble compounds with many active substances, nullifying the effect of tablets.   

🫗 Mineral water
In mineral water dissolved ions that can react with a number of drugs. Thus, calcium blocks the absorption of many components. Most carbonated beverages are acidic with a pH of about 3-4. An acidic environment can destroy the protective coating of tablets and capsules and also affect the original composition of the tablet.

Organic fruit acids react with medicinal substances and change their chemical structure and effects. Because of this, a person may receive only half the required dose or, on the contrary, receive more than necessary. At first, doctors found this effect only in grapefruit juice. It not only blocks the CYP3A4 enzyme in the small intestine, which helps to break down drugs, but also prevents the liver from excreting the spent components, which is very dangerous. Later it turned out that apple, orange, grape and cranberry juice can also affect how the drugs work. 

🥛 Milk
It impairs the absorption of medicines containing caffeine. Milk interferes with the absorption of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Studies show that milk decreases the bioavailability of drugs and decreases or increases the rate at which drugs are eliminated from the body. Bioavailability is the amount of medicine that reaches the place in the body where it is needed. However, some drugs are recommended to drink milk to reduce the risk of damage to the gastric mucosa.

🍷 Alcohol
Alcohol can increase the effects of many medications, such as antidepressants, as well as increase side effects and cause new ones. Mixing alcohol with many medications can cause nausea and vomiting, headaches, drowsiness, fainting, or loss of coordination. In addition, ethanol can make the drug less effective and even toxic to the body.


❗️Remember, if the medicine needs to be taken with something other than water, it will be indicated in the instructions.