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Good and safe for children for parasite prevention
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Deecleance VISION — a preparation against parasites, fungi, worms, helminths and pathogenic bacteria.

SKU Deecleance
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Deecleance VISION is a unique, perfectly balanced complex that prevents the development of parasitic diseases, cleanses the body of parasites, pathogenic bacteria and fungi, normalises the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating its protective properties, improves intestinal microflora.

Parasites can have a devastating effect not only on the tissues of the organs in which they have settled. Helminths consume all the most valuable vitamins and minerals that a person takes. That is why sometimes the reception of vitamin and other general tonic preparations does not give any result. It is for this purpose that doctors and specialists recommend cleansing the body before taking any preventive measures, whether it is strengthening the body, rejuvenation, weight loss or recovery of the body as a whole.

Due to its organic nature, the complex of antihelminthic action Deecleance does not cause stress to the body and is not toxic. When taking Deecleance, an unfavourable environment for parasites is created in the body, so they begin to leave the human body naturally. This applies not only to the digestive tract, but also to various organ systems where helminths can live: muscles, liver, brain, blood, joints and even eyes.

Deecleance not only eliminates parasites, fungi and pathogenic bacteria from the body, but also stimulates digestive function and increases the production of saliva, gastric juice and digestive enzymes. It helps to improve intestinal peristalsis and eliminate toxins from the body.

The effectiveness of the natural antihelminthic agent was confirmed at the Department of Paediatrics. Clinical trials involving children suffering from helminthic diseases showed good antiparasitic activity of the supplement in the treatment and prevention of worm-parasitic diseases in children.

The optimally balanced formula of Deecleance contains 8 unique ingredients with targeted antiparasitic action:

Garlic extract fights all harmful organisms that can damage your health. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial action against Gram-positive and Gram-negative flora, protozoa, viruses, helminths.

Clove extract is used to kill worm eggs. This spice contains Evengol, which destroys the shell of worms and inhibits the development of their larvae and eggs. Clove extract has antispasmodic and secretory action, anti-inflammatory effect, removing heartburn, nausea, belching and abdominal bloating.

Winter squash seed extract has antiparasitic activity against tapeworms, as well as laxative and diuretic effects. It changes the motor activity of the parasite, causing first relaxation and then muscle contracture. In this case, due to peristaltic waves, the helminth is expelled outward.

Sage leaf extract has antimicrobial action, removes parasites, pathogenic bacteria and fungi from the body, stimulates secretory activity of the digestive system. Sage extract even in small doses destroys Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Synegnae coli, epidermal staphylococcus, candida. Paralysing effect on intestinal parasites, which is destructive to their vital activity.

Fennel seed extract relieves stomach pain and inflammation in the digestive tract, has a destructive effect on pathogenic bacteria and fungi, cleanses the body of them, removes toxins, eliminates constipation, flatulence, nausea, cleanses the blood of toxins. Antiparasitic properties of fennel are manifested in the digestive, urinary and nervous systems.

Black pepper extract, due to the content of piperine, has a strong antiseptic effect, especially against Nelysobacter and fungi of the genus Candida. It improves the secretory function of the stomach, improves the digestive tract, stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and restores disturbed metabolism.

Gentian root extract has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, promotes excretion of worms from the body, production of saliva, protective mucus, gastric juice, increases bile secretion. Genziopicrin contained in the plant is able to block the vital activity of one of the most dangerous parasites ― Tochosaga canis ― at its early stage of development.

Magnesium — restores intestinal microflora, normalises the digestive system, increasing the secretion of gastric juice, and also has a mild laxative effect, neutralises the effect of parasites.

Getting rid of parasites leads to an increase in the body's defences, strengthening the immune system and restoring the functions of the digestive tract.

Preventive measures to get rid of parasites are recommended once or twice a year, depending on the factors influencing helminth infestation. During treatment and prevention, it is important to remember that the measures taken are only effective if they affect all family members, including pets. Otherwise, the likelihood of re-infestation increases.

Properties of complex Deecleance:

  • Prevents the development of parasitic diseases.
  • Cleanses the body of parasites, pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  • Improves the secretory function of the stomach, stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and restores disturbed metabolism.
  • Withdraws toxins and toxins, eliminates constipation, flatulence, nausea, heartburn.
  • Improves intestinal microflora.
  • For children ― as a safe and effective remedy for parasites.
  • Increases immunity and reduces the manifestation of allergies.
  • Stimulates kidney function and cleanses the blood from toxins.
  • Regulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Recommended as an additional source of magnesium and biologically active substances of plant origin for the prevention of invasive diseases, as well as the general strengthening of the body.
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


WINTER SQUASH SEED EXTRACT is one of the best anthelmintics, effective not only for flat and round worms, but also against tapeworms. Demonstrates a powerful anthelmintic effect due to kukurbitin, which affects parasites as follows ― paralyses the muscles of helminths, which deprives them of the ability to move, attach to the intestinal wall and reproduce. In addition, curcurbitin stimulates the contraction of intestinal muscles, which helps to eliminate worms from the body. Pumpkin seed extract ― a natural source of vitamins A, E, phospholipids, lecithin, carotenoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pumpkin seeds also contain vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system and increase the body's natural defences against parasites. They contain zinc, which helps to improve immune system function, as well as magnesium, iron and vitamin E, which help repair damaged tissues and organs after exposure to worms. Active substances of pumpkin seeds exhibit a mild laxative effect, improve gallbladder, has hepatoprotective (enhance physiological processes in liver cells), oncoprotective (prevent the appearance of cancer) effect, prevents a decrease in visual acuity. Also pumpkin seed extract reduces proliferation of prostate cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect especially in diseases of the prostate and urinary system.

GARLIC ROOT EXTRACT has antihelminthic effect, promotes the development of normal intestinal flora, inhibits the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine. Garlic contains volatile sulfur compounds, antibacterial compounds, essential oils, dietary fibre, flavonoids, B vitamins, compounds of selenium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. Active substances of garlic extract increase intestinal peristalsis, promote the removal of helminths, especially pinworms, eliminate the harmful effects on the body products of their life. They also have a choleretic effect, improve appetite, increase the body's resistance to infection. Garlic is a powerful natural source of silicon and restores its deficiency, arising from infection with helminths. Garlic extract has antimicrobial and antibacterial action against Gram-positive and Gram-negative flora, protozoa, viruses, helminths. Antiparasitic activity of garlic is determined by the plant secreted phytoncides ― biologically active components that have a strong antibiotic effect, killing and inhibiting the growth and development of bacteria and parasites. Garlic phytoncides inhibit the activity of some tumour enzymes and protect cells from damage by free radicals and heavy metals.

SAGE LEAF EXTRACT has antimicrobial action, removes parasites, pathogenic bacteria and fungi from the body, stimulates secretory activity of the digestive system. Sage extract even in small doses destroys Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Synegnae coli, Epidermal Staphylococcus, Candida. Sage not only inhibits the reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus, but also inactivates its alpha-toxin, suppresses haemolytic and dermatonecrotic properties of alpha-toxin. Sage preparations have antibiotic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. They are prescribed in the presence of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, liver, gallbladder, as well as with diarrhea of various origins. Sage binds and neutralises toxic compounds in the intestine. Due to the presence of bitters, it is able to stimulate gastric juice, eliminates flatulence, intestinal colic. Anthelmintic and antigiardia effect of sage is due to the content of thujone in its essential oil, which has a powerful paralysing effect, destructive to the vital activity of intestinal parasites. Antiparasitic effect of sage is complemented by choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Improves intestinal motility, the body is removed from the parasites and products of their activity.

FENNEL SEED EXTRACT helps to cleanse the body of toxins due to its proven property of increasing gastrointestinal secretion, improving the activity of the entire digestive system and stimulating kidney function. Fennel due to its mild diuretic effect is an excellent additional remedy in the treatment of urolithiasis. Reduces gas formation in the intestines, relieves intoxication, relieves stomach pain and inflammation in the digestive tract, has a devastating effect on pathogenic bacteria and fungi, cleanses the body of them, removes toxins, eliminates constipation, flatulence, nausea, cleanses the blood from toxins. Antiparasitic properties of fennel are manifested in the digestive, urinary and nervous systems. Fennel contains a valuable prebiotic inulin, which improves the normal functioning of the digestive system. It also prevents heartburn, helps with constipation (increases peristalsis, has a mild laxative effect). Fennel cleanses the body after overeating and alcohol consumption. It is recommended for ankylostoma (worms).

BLACK PEPPER FRUIT EXTRACT, due to its piperine content, has a strong antiseptic action, especially against Nelysobacter and Candida fungi. Its most common medical use is to help with digestive problems, heartburn, nausea, diarrhoea and more. Reduces intestinal gas. Improves the secretory function of the stomach, improves the digestive tract, stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and restores disturbed metabolism. The action of black pepper extract against parasites in the human body is very simple. The mechanism of action looks like this:

  • When ingested into the human stomach, the spice extract and its components are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream;
  • With the bloodstream, the components of black pepper become food for parasites;
  • Having tasted the bitter burning spice, helminths become paralysed literally within the first 2-3 minutes and die in the next 20-30 minutes. That is, black pepper extract kills parasites literally instantly and irrevocably;
  • In the future, the dead parasites must be excreted with faeces, which occurs naturally every day.

CLOVE TREE FLOWER EXTRACT is used to destroy the worm eggs that parasites lay in the human intestines. Clove is believed to be the only natural product that can destroy both the parasite and its eggs. Clove, as part of Deecleance, has the ability to disrupt the life cycles of parasites. In addition, cloves have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. This spice contains Evengol, thanks to which it kills the virus, works as an antiseptic. This substance destroys fungal microorganisms and changes the habitat of intestinal parasites, which leads to their death. According to laboratory studies on dogs and pigs, Evengol destroys the shell of worms and inhibits the development of their larvae and eggs. Clove extract has a strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect. Cloves are afraid of many pathogens: for example, golden and white staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus and even anthrax. Clove extract has antispasmodic and secretory action, anti-inflammatory effect, taking away heartburn, nausea, belching, abdominal bloating. It helps to strengthen the immune system. Also cloves help to cope with digestive disorders provoked by worm infestations. Spice has a secretory and antispasmodic effect, so it regulates stool, restores the soft tissues of the organs and eliminates bloating.

YELLOW GENTIAN ROOT EXTRACT has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, promotes excretion of worms from the body, production of saliva, protective mucus, gastric juice, increases bile secretion. Gencyopicrin contained in the plant is able to block the vital activity of one of the most dangerous parasites Tochosaga canis at its early stage of development. Yellow Gentian root energises the body and promotes blood purification, helping many important organs such as the liver, spleen and heart. Gentian yellow has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. It was used in the treatment of plague, tuberculosis and malaria. In modern medicine, preparations of gentian are used as a tonic to improve appetite, with stomach pains, sluggishness of the intestines. They are used for gastritis, flatulence, constipation, heartburn, and as an anthelmintic.

MAGNESIUM ― restores intestinal microflora, normalises the digestive system, increasing gastric juice secretion, and also has a mild laxative effect, neutralises the effect of parasites. Affects the functioning of all body systems, it is necessary for the transport of nutrients in the body and energy production. Stimulates the release of bile, increase the motor activity of the intestine. This contributes to the timely removal of toxins from the body. Magnesium is used to reduce the increased acidity of gastric juice. Helps get rid of heartburn and unpleasant sensations in the stomach associated with acid stagnation.


Диклинс Визион Deecleance Vision


Complex Deecleance not only eliminates parasites, fungi and pathogenic bacteria from the body, but also stimulates the digestive function and increases the production of saliva, gastric juice and digestive enzymes. It helps to improve intestinal peristalsis and eliminate toxins from the body.


Who should take Deecleance:

  • Those who have pets;
  • Those who lead an active lifestyle and eat fast food;
  • Those who visit Japanese restaurants, preferring sushi, sashimi, rolls;
  • Those who consume large quantities of fruits and vegetables;
  • Those who visit catering establishments;
  • Those who have digestive problems;
  • Anyone who wants to cleanse their body.


Benefits of Deecleance:

  • Unique, perfectly balanced complex Deecleance not only prevents the development of parasitic diseases, cleanses the body of parasites, pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but also normalises the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating its protective properties, improves intestinal microflora.
  • Clinically confirmed effectiveness of active ingredients.
  • Exclusive formula.
  • Production of Deecleance complies with high European and international standards GMR, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Highly active extracts with increased bioavailability.
  • Does not contain GMOs, preservatives, sugar.


Directions for use:

Adults 2-3 capsules a day, drinking a large glass of water. Children in a reduced dosage!


Hypersensitivity to the components of the product. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications or have any medical conditions, you should consult a physician before using any dietary supplements.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

60 capsules.

The composition of the complex Deecleance:

Ingredients 2 capsules
Winter squash seed extract 200 mg
Garlic root extract 100 mg
Sage leaf extract 100 mg
Fennel seed extract 100 mg
Black pepper fruit extract 100 mg
Clove tree flower extract  100 mg
Yellow gentian root extract 100 mg
Magnesium 64 mg
Manufacturer JSC «Švenčionių vaistažolės»
Country of manufacture Lithuania
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic bottle
Quantity in a package 60 pcs.
Age group No restrictions
Dosage Adults 2-3 capsules a day, drinking a large glass of water. Children in a reduced dosage!
Components Winter squash seed extract powder; Common garlic root extract powder; Common sage leaf extract powder; Common fennel seed extract powder; Black pepper fruit extract powder; Clove tree flower extract powder; Yellow gentian root extract powder; Magnesium.

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  • The cost of delivery from 100 UAH.
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  • Delivery time from 10-28 business days — depends on the location of your country.
  • Order dispatch after payment by Visa, Mastercard via WayForPay* payment system.
  • Shipping costs from 9 EUR to Europe, UAE, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and some other countries.
  • Delivery costs from 16 EUR to Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea and China.
  • Shipping costs from 23 EUR to Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia and some other countries of Asia and Oceania.
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  • Payment with WayForPay* by Visa, Mastercard — Without commission!
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*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. Payments are received to the accounts of Ukrainian banks in the national currency hryvnia. Conversion takes place on the side of the payer's bank.

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