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I've been using Di Guard for a long time and I've had good results.
A good and safe product for the liver and immune system
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Di Guard nano VISION — detoxification of the body, liver recovery, increase immunity.

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Di Guard nano VISION has a healing effect on the liver — removes toxins and protects against fatty hepatosis!

It actively influences antioxidant processes, as well as detoxification processes, preventing harmful substances from lingering in the body. Relieves various intoxications, helps with household poisoning — drugs, food and alcohol. Protects against inflammatory diseases and allergies, restores liver cells, enhancing its detoxification functions.

Also complex Di Guard nano VISION effectively restores the gastrointestinal tract, rejuvenates cells, restores intestinal microflora, protects the body from the negative effects of household radiation, improves metabolic processes and normalises the thyroid gland.

Ecologically clean and universal product Di Guard nano embodies a whole cleansing complex, which helps to quickly and effectively eliminate all unnecessary from the human body. Due to the content of valuable natural phytonutrients in the composition of this product, the cleansing of the body is gentle and painless, without any adverse reactions.

Prickly pear prevents the formation of fats, stimulating their breakdown and excretion from the body, has a tonic effect on the body, increases its defence functions, strengthening the immune system. The medicinal properties of opuntia can restore the work of the kidneys, liver and spleen, as well as remove unpleasant feelings associated with short-term inflammation of the liver after taking alcohol.

Chlorella helps fight anaemia, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, supports the cardiovascular system, and prevents the development of neoplasms. Chlorella's ability to improve liver and kidney function will be relevant for those on low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets, as well as those suffering from diseases of these organs. Protects the liver from all types of intoxication and from fatty dystrophy.

Alpha-lipoic acid normalises the activity of the pancreas, improves brain function, restores nervous system function, reduces blood sugar levels, protects the liver from the toxic effects of alcohol and effectively reduces the risk of fatty deposits in the liver. It not only acts as an antioxidant, but also has the ability to resurrect other antioxidants that have died on the barricades. Thus it resuscitates glutathione, vitamins C and E and coenzyme Q10.

DL-Methionine participates in the regeneration of liver and kidney tissues and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. This amino acid stimulates the increase of antioxidant levels and participates in fat metabolism, reducing blood cholesterol. It is a strong antioxidant and hepatoprotector, protecting the body from viral infections and toxic effects of harmful substances.

Vitamin C normalises cholesterol metabolism, thereby reducing signs of fatty degeneration of the liver. Prevents the destruction of liver cells by free radicals, increases the defence functions of the liver. Helps to gently remove alcohol toxins from the body.

Magnesium eliminates the state of depression and general weakness during hangover syndrome. Excellent restores heart function after excessive drinking and smoking tobacco, normalises the immune defence of the body, well removes toxins and toxins, has a pronounced sedative effect, is involved in the fight against allergic diseases.

Vitamins of group B reduce the severe effects of intoxication, help restore metabolic processes, improve the central nervous system, increase mental and physical activity, relieve muscle inflammation, reduce blood pressure. Contribute to the preservation of glycogen in the liver and muscles, preservation of nucleic acids, less accumulation of fat and cholesterol, maintaining normal fluid content in the organs. Vitamin B6 also stimulates the biliary function of the liver.

The properties of complex Di Guard nano VISION:

  • Has a healing effect on the liver — removes toxins and protects against fatty hepatosis.
  • Relieves various intoxications, helps with poisoning.
  • Restores liver cells, enhancing its detoxification functions.
  • Helps to improve the activity of the gallbladder.
  • Binds and removes allergens.
  • Helps to get rid of hangover syndrome.
  • Helps protect against the effects of household radiation.
  • Stimulates the function of the immune system.
  • Has a powerful antioxidant effect.
  • Protects against inflammatory diseases.
  • Favourably affects the digestive system.
  • Protects the body from the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  • Improves the general condition of the body.
  • Activates the fight against infections.
  • Has an active regenerating effect.
  • Helps to increase the growth of beneficial intestinal microbiota.

Recommended as a biologically active food supplement — a source of active substances opuntia, chlorella, methionine, alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium, an additional source of vitamins B and C.
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


PRICKLY PEAR (OPUNTIA) has excellent bactericidal and antiseptic properties, has a tonic effect on the body, increases its defence functions, strengthening the immune system, and helps to fight the effects of negative environmental factors, including radiation. Cactus helps to overcome hangover syndrome (nausea, dry mouth, loss of appetite), removes harmful substances from the body, protects the liver and gallbladder from the damaging effects of alcohol. In addition, opuntia eliminates morning swelling — because it helps the body to return fluid from the tissues to the lymphatic and blood vessels (especially from the connective tissue of the skin). Prickly pear prevents the formation of fats by stimulating their breakdown and elimination from the body. This is due to one of the most valuable properties of opuntia — the ability to bind up to 28% of fat. Cactus fibre binds to fat molecules, making them inaccessible to digestive enzymes. Cactus has pronounced anti-diabetic properties, as it lowers blood cholesterol levels and eliminates the development of bad lipids, which helps prevent the onset of diabetes. With regular consumption of opuntia, the acute course of diabetes mellitus is reduced, and the patient feels much better, as there is no sudden release of glucose into the blood. The medicinal properties of opuntia are able to restore the work of the kidneys, liver and spleen. Active components of the cactus also help to reduce blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the overall work of the cardiovascular system (prevention of diseases such as stroke, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis).

CHLORELLA belongs to the category of «superfoods». Every cell of chlorella serves our health. Even the dense walls of this microalgae are composed of a special beneficial material that helps to eliminate not only the body's natural toxic products, but also environmental toxins such as heavy metals and pesticides. In addition, the fibrous material of chlorella walls normalises the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria and improves digestion. Another useful ingredient is the pigment chlorophyll, which helps to fight anaemia, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, normalising the release of essential digestive juices, increasing the activity of peristalsis and relieving inflammation. Taking chlorella has been shown to lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol. Chlorella intake may normalise blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity in patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Chlorella's ability to improve liver and kidney function is relevant for people on low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets, as well as people with diseases of these organs. In addition, the cytoplasm of chlorella contains organic iodine, which is absorbed better than inorganic iodine. Thus, chlorella promotes iodine to the thyroid gland in safe amounts and blocks the intake of radioactive iodine from the natural environment. Summarising all the benefits of chlorella, the following can be said:

  • the combination of substances that make up this microalgae is responsible for resistance to mutation processes;
  • protects the liver from all kinds of intoxications and from fatty dystrophy;
  • promotes the rapid growth of lactobacilli;
  • helps neutralise the effects of radiation hypovitaminosis;
  • balances the level of acidity in the body, as well as provides cell metabolism and cell renewal, helps with various types of allergies.

ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID helps absorb energy and nutrients from the food we eat. It also repairs liver cells. In people who drink wine regularly, it protects the liver from the toxic effects of alcohol. But it is not only drinkers who can benefit from taking alpha lipoic acid. Steatosis, a non-alcoholic obesity of the liver due to overweight (NAFLD) and poor diet, has become increasingly common recently. Alpha lipoic acid helps to reduce fat deposition in the liver. This reduces the risk of developing liver obesity, even if your diet is too high in fat. Alpha lipoic acid can also prevent oxidative damage to the nerves and brain. It reduces all kinds of free-radical oxidation, whether in arteries or nerve cells. In the brain, lipoic acid may help prevent or repair cellular damage in Alzheimer's disease. It also regulates blood vessel function and helps regulate blood cholesterol levels. Experiments have found that alpha-lipoic acid protects insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Destruction of these cells leads to diabetes I and subsequent dependence on insulin injections. It provides help in the earliest stage of type I diabetes, when not all insulin-producing cells in the pancreas have died yet. Alpha-lipoic acid has a unique property ― it not only acts as an antioxidant itself, but is also able to «bring back to life» other antioxidants that have died on the barricades. It resuscitates glutathione, vitamins C and E, and coenzyme Q10. No other nutrient can do this.

DL-METHIONINE — an essential amino acid, a precursor of cystine and creatine. Methionine is involved in the repair of liver and kidney tissue and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. The American Society of Nutrition has published evidence of the substance's effect on liver recovery in people suffering from alcoholism. According to their data, methionine together with vitamins B6 and B12 is effective in eliminating the effects of alcoholism, as well as other diseases that damage liver cells. This amino acid stimulates the increase of antioxidant levels and participates in fat metabolism, reducing blood cholesterol. Inhibits the deposition of neutral fat in the liver, has a lipotropic effect (removal of excess fat from the liver and arteries). Regulates the action of hormones and vitamins (B12, ascorbic and folic acids). The human body is not able to synthesise methionine, so this amino acid must come from food and supplements. It is a strong antioxidant and hepatoprotector, protecting the body from viral infections and toxic effects of harmful substances, as well as contributing to the gentle elimination of toxins, salts of heavy metals and other toxic substances from the body. Also methionine in sufficient quantities will give mood, healthy skin and nails, favourably affect the growth and general condition of hair and prevent a number of dangerous diseases. Thanks to its beneficial properties, methionine is widely used in the treatment of: depression, diabetes, anaemia, liver cirrhosis, fatty liver dystrophy, hepatitis, sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, obesity, childhood stunting and many others. Antitoxic properties of methionine are used for complex therapy of toxicosis in pregnant women.

MAGNESIUM regulates many biochemical and physiological processes. This mineral substance is necessary for the work of more than 300 enzymes. It takes an active part in the rejection of alcohol dependence, effectively eliminates the state of depression and general weakness during hangover syndrome. This trace element perfectly restores heart function after excessive drinking and smoking tobacco, normalises the immune defence of the body, well removes toxins, has a pronounced sedative effect, is involved in the fight against allergic diseases. Magnesium is involved in the activity of enzymes to neutralise toxins, has a beneficial effect on glycogen synthesis and activates blood flow in the liver. Magnesium deficiency can occur in chronic alcoholics, diabetics, cirrhosis of the liver, atherosclerosis, kidney disease and chronic diarrhoea, prolonged vomiting or prolonged abuse of foods rich in sugar. Deficiency of the trace element leads to apoptosis of liver cells and replacement of useful components (iron, manganese, potassium, copper, zinc) by toxic heavy metals — aluminium, nickel, lead. In addition, magnesium has a choleretic effect, which activates the process of withdrawal of toxic components from the body with bile. Also, magnesium is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, reduces blood pressure, restores the nervous system and markedly improves the activity of the circulatory system, prevents the risk of cancer processes in the body.

VITAMIN C — a strong antioxidant with antiviral activity, supports the immune defence of the body, improves the circulatory system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Normalises cholesterol metabolism and reduces signs of fatty degeneration of the liver. Prevents the destruction of liver cells by free radicals and increases the defence functions of the liver. Relieves psycho-emotional stress during hangover syndrome, quickly eliminates pain syndrome, has a beneficial effect on brain function and has a beneficial effect on the skin. In addition, vitamin C helps to gently remove alcohol toxins from the body, prevents the risk of serious liver disease. When taking vitamin C an hour before drinking alcohol markedly reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the liver. Insufficient intake of ascorbic acid is considered a major risk factor for liver disease. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to dangerous inflammatory processes.

VITAMIN B6 acts as a regulator of enzymatic reactions, has a beneficial effect on the contractile and evacuatory activity of the gallbladder. Vitamin does not allow the accumulation of triglycerides in the liver, inhibits the formation of toxic metabolites. Reduces the severe effects of alcohol intoxication, normalises metabolism, improves the central nervous system, has a pronounced calming effect on the body, relieves spasms of smooth muscles, relaxes the respiratory system, improves the cardiovascular system, reduces blood pressure, stabilises brain processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases psychological and physical endurance. Vitamin B6 is a coenzyme of proteins, which participate in the processing of amino acids and regulate protein digestion. Pyridoxine takes part in the production of blood cells and their colouring pigment, haemoglobin, and is involved in the even supply of glucose to cells. Without vitamin B6, not only normal protein metabolism, but also the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates is impossible. An even supply of glucose to nerve cells requires a lot of pyridoxine, so almost half of the pyridoxine that is in the body is used by it to release carbohydrates into the blood. The use of vitamin B6 helps to preserve glycogen in the liver and muscles, preserve nucleic acids, store less fat and cholesterol, and maintain normal fluid content in the organs. Vitamin B6 also stimulates the biliary function of the liver.

VITAMIN B1 takes part in the synthesis of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, slows down the aging process, reduces harmful cholesterol, takes part in fat metabolism, stimulates the work of hepatic cells-hepatocytes, improves blood circulation through blood vessels, and also has anti-inflammatory effects. Preparations with thiamine are often prescribed for hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Deficiency of the vitamin leads to the development of liver failure. Vitamin B1 normalises the hormonal background, improves memory, favourably affects the nervous system, increases mental and physical activity, is highly active in skin diseases, relieves muscle inflammation, is a powerful antidepressant. The positive properties of vitamin B1 are known for pancreatic disorders.

FOLIC ACID has antioxidant action, prevents the formation of free radicals. It plays an important role in the regulation of the detoxification system and is a means of preventing liver diseases. The main storehouse of vitamin B9 is the liver. The body uses folic acid reserves for hematopoiesis, prevention of hypovitaminosis, maintenance of reproductive function and reducing the risk of cancer. Folic acid has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism in the liver, cholesterol metabolism and some vitamins. It participates in the production of «happy hormones» — serotonin and norepinephrine. Folic acid increases mental and physical performance, improves memory, normalises the nervous system, favourably affects the function of the pancreas, accelerates metabolic processes, favourably affects the hormonal background of women, and also has a positive effect on the skin. Also, folic acid well supports the cardiovascular and immune systems and takes an active part in the healthy growth and development of the foetus.


Di Guard nano Vision


Who should take Di Guard nano:

  • All people as a prevention and cleansing of the body from harmful toxins and heavy metals (at least twice a year or on a permanent basis).
  • Those with weakened immunity.
  • Suffering from allergic diseases.
  • Those who live in areas with a high degree of environmental pollution or work in hazardous industries.
  • Those who suffer from diseases of the liver, digestive and endocrine systems.
  • Those who drink alcohol and smoke.


Benefits of Di Guard nano:

  • The active component chlorella, which is part of the nutraceutical, is grown under strict environmental and technological standards with constant control of qualitative and quantitative indicators.
  • Components of Di Guard nano actively affect the antioxidant processes, as well as the detoxification of the body. Beneficial effect on the digestive system, as well as prevent the development of allergies and neoplasms.
  • Exclusive formula.
  • The production of Di Guard nano complies with the high European and international standards of GMP, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Does not contain GMOs, preservatives, sugar.


Directions for use:

Adults take one capsule once or twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

30 capsules.

Composition of nutraceutical Di Guard nano:

Ingredients 1 capsule %NRV*
Prickly Pear powder 100 mg **
Chlorella powder 50 mg **
Magnesium 50 mg 13
Vitamin C 30 mg 38
Vitamin B6 1,4 mg 100
Vitamin B1 1,1 mg 100
Folic acid 200 µg 100
DL-methionine 20 mg **
Alpha-lipoic acid 20 mg **

*NRV: Nutrient Reference Value
**Daily Value not established

Manufacturer JSC «Švenčionių vaistažolės»
Country of manufacture Lithuania
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic bottle
Quantity in a package 30 pcs.
Age group For adults
Dosage Adults take one capsule once or twice daily 15-20 minutes before meals, washed down with a large glass of water.
Components Prickly Pear Powder, Chlorella Powder, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Folic Acid, DL-Methionine, Alpha Lipoic Acid.

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  • Delivery costs from 16 EUR to Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea and China.
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*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. Payments are received to the accounts of Ukrainian banks in the national currency hryvnia. Conversion takes place on the side of the payer's bank.

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