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"ENT" (EnjoyNT VISION) — restoration of cartilage tissue and joint mobility.

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"ENT" (EnjoyNT VISION) helps to restore normal physiological condition of joints and strengthen bone tissue. It prevents cartilage matter depletion, promotes its renewal, normalises joint fluid production and provides remineralisation of bone tissue.

Chondroprotector "ENT" (EnjoyNT) stimulates the formation of collagen for the normal functioning of cartilage and bone, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, prevents loss of bone mass, normalises the formation of connective tissue.

"ENT" (EnjoyNT) — a unique defence against age-related arthritis and osteoarthritis. It supports a healthy spine during periods of vigorous exercise, provides significant assistance to the spine in case of overweight, promotes faster recovery after training and helps to preserve muscles from deterioration.

Glucosamine — Chondroitin — MSM (organic sulfur) — this combination of substances stimulates the production of joint fluid, fights pain and inflammation in the joints, and repairs joints. Glucosamine can also reduce pain and have a structural modifying effect on osteoarthritis patterns, supporting normal spine and joint health. Chondroitin enhances hyaluronic acid synthesis and strengthens cartilage and other connective tissue structures. MSM is able to multiply their effect, slows down age-related changes associated with the destruction of cartilage tissue.

Bamboo exudate extract has anti-inflammatory effect. It provides active remineralisation of bone tissue. Bamboo extract contains a large amount of silicic acid and has unique healing properties that play a major role in restoring the elasticity and firmness of collagen fibres.

Silica is essential for correcting and improving collagen texture and elasticity of body tissues, for proper and rapid healing of bone fractures, torn and damaged tendons and ligaments. Silica can improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails, as human skin and hair contain the highest amounts of silicon.

Marine collagen hydrolysate has a structure similar to human collagen, so it has a significant penetrating ability, is NOT addictive and activates the body's ability to produce its own collagen. Collagen is responsible for the smooth functioning of the musculoskeletal system in the body. It is the main component of the connective tissue of tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, nails, hair and skin.

Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of collagen, which helps prevent damage and repair tissue. It promotes the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin and is useful for injury prevention and tissue repair.

Manganese significantly affects the metabolism of collagen, chondroitin and glucosamine. It participates in the transport of oxygen from the blood to individual cells and tissues, which is especially important in the nutrition of intervertebral discs and cartilage that do not have direct blood circulation. Manganese is equally important for osteoporosis of the spine as it is for arthritis of the hands or feet.

Copper is important for the formation of the protein structure of connective tissue, especially collagen. In addition, copper deficiency can lead to demineralisation of bone tissue and reduced bone strength. It helps strengthen bones, joints, ligaments, skin, nails and hair, and maintains the elasticity of blood vessels. Copper also has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve joint and ligament pain.

Vitamin D3 promotes calcium absorption in the body, as well as normal growth and development of skeletal bones and prevents the development of osteoporosis. Stimulates proper functioning of the immune system and supports normal muscle function.

Properties of chondroprotector "ENT" (EnjoyNT):

  • Improves collagen synthesis for normal cartilage and bone function.
  • Stimulates the production of joint fluid.
  • Has a moderate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  • Protects the connective tissue of the joints from destruction.
  • Provides active remineralisation of bone tissue, prevents its depletion.
  • Prevents destruction and stimulates the natural renewal of cartilage tissue.
  • Supports healthy joints and spine, protecting them during active loads.
  • Improves muscle recovery after exercise and helps protect muscles.
  • Returns mobility and flexibility to joints, eliminates morning stiffness of joints.
  • Helps improve skin elasticity and firmness, softens, moisturises and smoothes it.
  • Improves the condition of hair and nails.
  • Has the effect of reducing fatigue.
  • Allows you to lead an active lifestyle at any age.

Recommended as a biologically active food supplement — a source of chondroitin, glucosamine, collagen, bamboo extract, copper, sulphur, manganese, silicic acid and an additional source of vitamins C and D3.
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


GLUCOSAMINE is a natural component of joint tissue and is part of synovial fluid. This substance, produced by the cartilage tissue of joints, is essential for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, especially joints and connective tissues. Glucosamine is an integral part of all cell membranes and connective tissue. It is produced very little in the body, especially in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Glucosamine is a globally recognised product for the treatment of joint diseases, arthritis and polyarthritis, helping to eliminate pain, swelling, improve blood circulation and restore mobility to affected joints. This substance plays a huge role in normalising the healthy state of tendons, vision, skin, nails, bones and ligaments. Glucosamine promotes complete cell regeneration and is highly active in the presence of inflammatory diseases of bones and joints. It is an excellent natural remedy that helps to fight heart valve diseases, significantly improves the condition of blood vessels, is a powerful analgesic in the presence of inflammatory processes in tissues, restores the bone and joint system after excessive physical exertion. In addition, glucosamine is used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the risk of skin diseases and improve skin elasticity. An adequate supply of glucosamine is particularly important for the elderly, as joint tissue components are formed more slowly in adults and joint tissues are generally more susceptible to damage, especially under excessive and inadequate loads. The use of glucosamine, especially in combination with chondroitin, increases the resistance of cartilage to damage, supports the regeneration of joint tissues, suppresses inflammation in the joint and helps to reduce symptoms in osteoarthritis.

CHONDROITIN — a polysaccharide consisting of many simple carbohydrates, including glucosamine, is an important component of joints, cartilage and ligaments, without which their mobility is impossible. The substance is synthesised in cartilage tissues and stimulates the accumulation of calcium in bones. It is part of the synovial fluid of the joints, which performs a lubricating function. Deficiency of this element worsens the quality of joint fluid and cartilage, causing crunching and swelling, which over time can lead to the development of serious diseases and cause problems with joint mobility. Chondroitin affects the function of cartilage cells — chondrocytes. While the body is young, chondrocytes produce a sufficient amount of collagen and other structural elements of cartilage, but with age, the activity of cells decreases. Chondroitin helps to increase the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, thereby strengthening cartilage and other connective tissue structures. It blocks the action of enzymes that destroy joint tissue. Under its influence, aggressive substances formed during the decay of chondrocytes lose their destructive ability. Properly using chondroitin and understanding why you need it, you can reduce pain in the affected joints when walking. And during rest, it improves the shock-absorbing properties of cartilage tissue and enhances its regenerative capabilities. Participation of chondroitin in the process of sulphur fixation, during the synthesis of chondroitinsulphuric acid, provides improved calcium deposition in bone tissue. Chondroitin retains water in the thickness of cartilage in the form of water cavities — water cushions, creating good shock absorption and shock absorption, which ultimately improves the strength of connective tissue. Chondroitin has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, reduces joint pain. The tandem of glucosamine and chondroitin is widely used for the treatment and prevention of joint disease. They have analgesic action, so their use reduces pain sensations, and this is an opportunity to improve the quality of life of people suffering from chronic diseases of the spine or joints.

METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE (abbreviated as MSM) — a natural source of sulphur, which is found in some plants and in small amounts in various foods. It is easily absorbed by the body, helps maintain adequate sulphur levels and does not cause side effects. Biologically active sulphur is one of the most important macronutrients and is particularly important for the smooth and uninterrupted functioning of the entire organism. It is not only involved in all metabolic processes, but also contributes to the regeneration and maintenance of healthy cells. Methylsulfonylmethane has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and its effectiveness is maximised in the treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in the joints. Increases endurance, minimises muscle pain after sports, accelerates the recovery of muscle fibres and ligaments after intensive training, prevents muscle breakdown. Replenishes the stock of amino acids — methionine and cysteine. MSM takes part in the synthesis of collagen and keratin, which are essential for maintaining elasticity and elasticity of the skin, as well as for the activation of hair and nail growth. In addition, as part of the formula of Chondroprotector "ENT" (EnjoyNT) MSM enhances the action of Chondroitin and Glucosamine and increases their effectiveness. Sulphur can slow down aging. It improves the condition of hair, nails, skin. In people suffering from arthritis, the content of sulphur in cartilage is only one third of the norm, so replenishing the stock of this substance can eliminate inflammation and restore flexibility and mobility of the joints, stimulate blood flow, eliminate swelling and pain, activate cellular functions.

MARINE COLLAGEN HYDROLYSATE has a structure similar to human collagen, so it has a significant penetrating ability, is NOT addictive and activates the body's ability to produce its own collagen. It improves general condition and health in general: strengthens the musculoskeletal system; normalises cartilage; accelerates tissue regeneration; restores natural skin moisture; protects the cardiovascular system. It is a unique protein derived from the epidermis and scales of deep-sea marine fish. Marine collagen is proven to be more effective than its plant and animal counterparts. Collagen contains 20 different amino acids, including 8 of the 9 essential amino acids. The human body cannot produce essential amino acids, which means that the only way to obtain them is through supplementation! Collagen is also responsible for the smooth functioning of the musculoskeletal system in the body. It is the main component of the connective tissue of tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, nails, hair, and skin. The young body itself copes with the production of collagen, but with age this function gradually disappears, which leads to changes in the structure of cartilage and tendons, makes more brittle and fragile bones, skin loses its elasticity and elasticity. After the age of 50, about 30% of collagen is lost during the first five years as a result of hormonal restructuring of the body.

Present in almost all organs and tissues of our body, collagen exhibits different properties:

  • for bones — stiffness and strength, resistance to stretching;
  • for cartilage — elasticity and resistance to compression;
  • for skin — elasticity and elasticity;
  • for membranes — permeability;
  • for blood vessels — flexibility and stretchability in all directions.

Hydrolysed marine collagen not only helps to relieve joint and muscle pain, but is also an effective means of preventing musculoskeletal disorders.

BAMBOO EXUDATE EXTRACT has many beneficial properties and is the richest natural source of silica acid. Bamboo exudate extract also contains zinc, iron, phosphorus, organic acids, polysaccharides, essential oils and eight amino acids vital to the human body. Bamboo exudate extract is richer in silica dioxide than just bamboo extract! It is silica acid that is the building material and growth stimulator of connective tissue, and is involved in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, including the famous hyaluronic acid. Silica «sews» acidic mucopolysaccharides and proteins into a single complex. Bamboo secretion extract has anti-inflammatory properties that may help treat rheumatoid arthritis and other common inflammatory conditions. It provides active remineralisation of bone tissue. Bamboo exudate extract is responsible for the production of collagen in bone tissue, prevents the depletion of cartilage matter, and promotes its regeneration. In addition, bamboo helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels at the cellular level. The plant helps relieve depression and strengthens hair and nails. Tibetan folk healers recommend using bamboo-based preparations to improve immune function, treat asthma and various types of allergic reactions.

SILICA plays an important role in maintaining flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, increasing vascular elasticity, improving the functional state of skin, hair and nails, normalising lipid metabolism, and accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses. Participates in the formation of collagen, the main component of connective tissue, which provides flexibility and elasticity of the skin, joints, cartilage, blood vessels, as well as hair, bones and nails. Silica is essential for the formation of internal tissues. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system and slows down the aging process in tissues. In case of silica deficiency in the body, calcium, as a more active element, replaces silica in all flexible structures and makes them rigid. There comes an increased deposition of calcium salts in tendons, ligaments, joints, spine, vessel walls and other organs. Thus arise atherosclerosis, intestinal atony, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, calcification of valves in the heart, stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, prostate, pancreas and so on. Silica prevents degeneration of intervertebral discs. It is essential for proper and quick healing of bone fractures, torn and damaged tendons and ligaments.

VITAMIN C — an antioxidant that promotes the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin, participates in the formation of collagen, helps prevent damage and repair tissues. It has the effect of eliminating fatigue. Vitamin C blocks the activity of bacterial or viral pathogens that cause joint damage. In people with increased physical activity, a deficiency of this vitamin can cause bleeding in the joints at the slightest injury. In addition to stimulating immune function, vitamin C accelerates healing and maintains tissue and bone health. It helps absorb calcium, iron and amino acids, promoting the formation and regeneration of collagen, bones and tendons. Vitamin C deficiency causes muscle and joint pain and impairs the synthesis of collagen and other substances that ensure the strength and elasticity of cartilage.

MANGANESE is essential for cell renewal in the musculoskeletal system — it significantly affects the metabolism of collagen, chondroitin and glucosamine. Participates in the transfer of oxygen from the blood to individual cells and tissues, which is especially important in the nutrition of intervertebral discs and cartilage that do not have direct blood circulation. It is proved that the appointment of chondroprotectors against the background of insufficient intake of manganese or reducing its absorption in the body actually loses its effectiveness. Without manganese, the formation of bone and cartilage tissue throughout the body is disturbed, tubular bones thicken and shorten, joints are deformed. Manganese is equally important in osteoporosis of the spine as it is in arthritis of the hands or feet. This mineral is also part of the active centre of manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase, an enzyme that prevents damage to cells and tissues by excess free radicals, which also helps to protect the musculoskeletal system (mainly cartilage) from degenerative changes. Athletes need additional intake of manganese as part of specialised products against the background of large volumes of training and competition loads, especially if they are accompanied by a significant impact on the musculoskeletal system.

COPPER is a vital element that is part of many hormones, enzymes, respiratory pigments, is involved in metabolic processes, tissue respiration, etc. It is important for maintaining the normal structure of bones, cartilage, tendons, elasticity of blood vessel walls, pulmonary alveoli, skin. Copper is important for the formation of the protein structure of connective tissue, especially in the synthesis of elastin and collagen. In addition, copper deficiency can cause demineralisation of bone tissue and reduce its strength. It helps strengthen joints, ligaments, nails and hair. Participates in hematopoiesis, the formation of red blood cells, provides iron metabolism, and together with iron and vitamin C is part of haemoglobin. Copper is part of the myelin sheaths of nerves. It is necessary for the synthesis of phospholipids, which are part of cell membranes. It enhances immunity and neutralises free radicals. Copper also has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve joint and ligament pain.

VITAMIN D3 promotes the absorption of calcium in the body and is essential for bone and muscle growth, good posture, mental development and an active immune response. Taking vitamin D3 for joints and bones is essential and it is better to do it consistently, especially if you are already facing injuries or musculoskeletal conditions. Therefore, taking vitamin D can not only help to quickly restore bone and ligament integrity after injuries, but also help prevent musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. Vitamin D binding sites, i.e. receptors, have also been found on muscle cells. Given this fact, we can conclude that vitamin D directly affects muscles. Supplemental intake of vitamin D3 consistently improves muscle strength! Vitamin D deficiency can cause osteochondrosis in very young people and lead to loss of joint flexibility. Vitamin D deficiency can cause a loss of lightness and elasticity in gait, and wearing high heels can lead to chronic knee joint problems. Therefore, it is necessary not only to directly treat diseases and injuries of bones, joints and ligaments, but also not to forget to provide the body with vitamin D, which is directly involved in all metabolic processes occurring in the bones and joints of a person.


1 Project v ENT EnjoyNT VISION


Who is recommended to take "ENT":

  • Those who suffer from joint diseases, including those due to age-related changes in the body or heavy physical exertion.
  • Those who lead an active lifestyle or are engaged in professional sports.
  • Those who are health-conscious and prefer to prepare their joints and muscles for training and lighten the load on them afterwards.
  • Those who are orientated towards preventing the aging of the body as a whole/
  • Those who suffer from joint diseases, also due to age-related changes in the body or heavy physical activity.
  • Those who lead an active lifestyle or are involved in professional sports.
  • Those who are health-conscious and prefer to prepare their joints and muscles for training and lighten the load on them afterwards.
  • Those who are orientated towards preventing the aging of the body as a whole.


Advantages of the supplement "ENT":

  • Double action — components of chondroprotector "ENT" contribute to the return of joints to the state of physiological norm and strengthens bone tissue.
  • Enhanced formula — in addition to the combination of chondroitin+glucosamine, contains MSM, which enhances their action.
  • Bamboo exudate extract provides active remineralisation of bone tissue and prevents its depletion.
  • Clinically confirmed effectiveness of active components.
  • Cryo-crushing technology at -196°C.
  • Exclusive formula.
  • Highly active extracts with increased bioavailability.
  • The production of "ENT" complies with the high European and international standards of GMP, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Capsule of vegetable origin — suitable for vegetarian diet.
  • European quality — manufactured in France.
  • Use of ingredients in an easily digestible form.
  • Innovative packaging — easy to carry.
  • Free of GMOs, colourings, stearates and preservatives.


Directions for use:

Adults take one capsule once or twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

30 capsules.

Composition of nutraceutical "ENT" (EnjoyNT VISION):

Ingredients 1 capsule %DRV*
Glucosamine 350 mg **
Marine collagen hydrolysate 50 mg **
Chondroitin 40 mg **
Vitamin C 40 mg 50
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) 15 mg **
Bamboo exudate extract 7 mg **
— whereof silica 5.25 mg **
Manganese 1 mg 50
Copper 0.5 mg 50
Vitamin D3 5 µg 100

*DRV: Dietary Reference Values
**Daily Value not established
contains traces of molluscs, crustaceans, fish


3.3 Certificates PROJECT VISION eng.jpg

Manufacturer Trading Point Group Elite Pharm
Country of manufacture France
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic box
Quantity in a package 30 pcs.
Age group No restrictions
Dosage Adults take one capsule once or twice daily 15-20 minutes before meals, washed down with a large glass of water.
Components Glucosamine; Chondroitin; Marine Collagen Hydrolysate; Vitamin C; MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane); Bamboo Exudate Extract including Silica; Manganese; Copper; Vitamin D3.

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