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Mistik VISION — provides good sleep, relieves psycho-emotional stress, headaches, helps to improve the quality of sleep.

SKU Mistik
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Mistik VISION — a natural safe remedy for insomnia and stress. Provides fast falling asleep and easy awakening.

Nutraceutical Mistik has a mild sedative effect, relaxes and reduces the excitability of the nervous system, eliminating anxiety. Solves the problem of interrupted sleep, increases the phase of deep sleep, makes sleep deeper and calmer, eliminates nightmares and reduces sensitivity to noise and light. Provides good sleep at any age and without the use of synthetic drugs that cause symptoms of addiction, morning fatigue and daytime sleepiness.

A third of a person's life is spent sleeping. It is sleep that supplies our body with the vitality to work, study, or just feel good. In fact, poor quality and disturbing sleep is immediately reflected in the well-being of the person. Biologically active supplement Mistik VISION will help you fall asleep faster, maximise your rest and gain strength for the day ahead.

Valerian root extract reduces human excitability, eliminates anxiety, gets rid of muscle cramps. It is used as a mild sedative, and as a prolonging agent in the complex of prevention of insomnia. The rhizome of the plant gives a sedative effect, improves sleep.

Eshsholtziya California (Californian poppy) is used for nervous excitability, emotional stress, insomnia and various sleep disorders. Promotes rapid falling asleep and lengthens the phase of deep sleep. Relieves or relieves pain sensations, gently lowers blood pressure, normalises heart rhythm.

Passiflora flower extract is used for sleep disorders, increased nervous excitability, headache, in the treatment of coronary heart disease and hypertension. It has a sedative, antispasmodic effect, dilates coronary vessels of the heart, raises the mood, is considered a natural tranquiliser.

Lemon balm (Melissa) leaf extract has a relaxing effect and reduces depression, anxiety, palpitations and headaches. It is used as an effective sedative, helps with lack of normal sleep, hysteria, melancholy, cramps, colic and high blood pressure. It has a very favourable effect on the processes of the brain, liver and heart.

Hops cones extract is used to support the body in periods of increased psycho-emotional tension, stress, sleep disorders. Normalises circadian rhythms and improves sleep quality. Has a pronounced sedative effect.

L-theanine — one of the most effective natural antidepressants. Reduces the frequency of intermittent awakenings, improves the quality of sleep. Sleep becomes deeper and more restorative, a person gets a good night's sleep, wakes up rested, less prone to physical fatigue and energy fluctuations during the day. When combined with Melatonin, L-theanine helps to address sleep problems associated with stress and brain hyperactivity.

Melatonin — the sleep hormone that is responsible for normalising the circadian rhythm (biological clock) of the body, i.e. for regulating the «sleep-wake» cycle. Taking melatonin in the form of dietary supplements can help to solve sleep problems and, as a result, improve the general condition of the body. The time needed to fall asleep is reduced, the quality of sleep is improved, and symptoms of jet lag are alleviated. Taking melatonin can also be useful for people whose work involves shift work and night shifts.

Properties of the preparation Mistik:

  • Improves the depth and quality of sleep by reducing nervous irritability.
  • Effective for sleep disorders.
  • Helps to fall asleep quickly and wake up easily.
  • Solves the problem of interrupted sleep, gets rid of nightmares.
  • Lengthens the phase of deep sleep.
  • Provides good sleep at any age and without the use of synthetic drugs.
  • Relieves psycho-emotional stress, fatigue, headaches and migraine.
  • Reduces sensitivity to noise, light and irritants.
  • Helps with stress and psycho-emotional strain.
  • Reduces recovery time after physical and mental exertion.
  • Has antispasmodic effect.
  • Prevents the development of nervous and mental disorders.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Contributes to the prevention of arrhythmias.
  • Helps prevent fatigue and fatigue from strenuous work.
  • Prevents allergic and skin diseases.
  • Has a mild sedative effect, improves the work of the stomach bladder and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Does not cause the symptom of morning tiredness and daytime sleepiness!
  • Does not cause addiction and withdrawal effect!

Recommended as a biologically active food supplement — a source of Melatonin and L-theanine, as well as an additional source of flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarins, amino acids, glycosides.
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


L-THEANINE — an essential amino acid and a natural analogue of glutamate (glutamic acid), the most important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. In its natural form, it is found only in green tea and sparingly in Polish mushrooms. When taken orally, L-theanine easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in brain tissue, having a positive effect on the CNS. L-theanine reduces the frequency of intermittent awakenings, improves the quality of sleep. Sleep becomes deeper and more restorative, a person gets a good night's sleep, wakes up rested, less prone to physical fatigue and energy fluctuations during the day. When combined with Melatonin, L-theanine helps to address sleep problems associated with stress and brain hyperactivity. L-theanine has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and does not cause lethargy and drowsiness, on the contrary, it helps to improve cognitive function and mood. Such properties of theanine as relaxation and maintenance of attention, along with the absence of sedation, give it a significant advantage over other sedatives and expand the scope of its application. Scientists' interest in theanine is due to both the breadth of neuro- and general biological effects of the amino acid and its ability to have therapeutic effect in various neurological and psychoemotional disorders without causing dependence, withdrawal syndrome and other side effects. The effect of theanine on the nervous system is well enough studied, and many of its effects have been confirmed by clinical studies. L-theanine preparations can be used for high physical, mental and psychic loads, stressful situations, psycho-emotional instability, sleep disorders, restless legs syndrome. In these cases theanine helps to reduce tension, relax the central and peripheral nervous system, get rid of intrusive negative thoughts.

MELATONIN — a sleep hormone responsible for normalising the body's circadian rhythm (biological clock), i.e. regulating the «sleep-wake» cycle. In addition, this hormone has been shown to have a powerful antioxidant effect. At the biochemical level, melatonin successfully counteracts excessive stress hypercorticism. Due to this, the work of the entire endocrine system is stabilised and the level of stress resistance is increased. Taking melatonin in the form of dietary supplements can help solve sleep problems and, as a result, improve the general condition of the body. The time required to fall asleep is reduced, the quality of sleep is improved, and symptoms of jet lag are alleviated. Taking melatonin is also useful for people whose work involves shift work and night shifts.

Normalising sleep cycles is the most important function of this unique hormone, but not the only one. During sleep, melatonin has a positive effect on the entire human body. Clinical studies have proven its effective properties:

  • helps you fall asleep quickly and effectively fight insomnia;
  • restores the natural circadian rhythm;
  • enhances anti-tumour immunity, blocks the growth of neoplasms;
  • regulates the endocrine system;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • produces antioxidant and rejuvenating effect;
  • improves mood and general mental state;
  • strengthens the immune system to fight viruses;
  • reduces anxiety and has an anti-stress effect;
  • adapts the body of weather-sensitive people to weather changes;
  • absorbs free radicals that damage our body at the cellular level;
  • strengthens bones, prevents osteoporosis and bone breakdown.

Studies have also shown that melatonin promotes the production of serotonin, an important substance whose deficiency can lead to the development of severe depressive states. As we age, the body stops producing melatonin, so people over 40 often suffer from sleep disorders. Decreased production of the hormone immediately gives a signal to all organ systems, triggering the process of aging and tissue destruction. Lack of melatonin can cause the following problems:

  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability, depressed mood;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hypertension;
  • cognitive decline;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased libido;
  • flabby skin;
  • poor adaptation to time zone changes.

The hormone melatonin is characterised by a mild effect. Taking the supplement Mistik VISION causes rapid falling asleep, passing into a qualitative deep phase of sleep. Unlike most sleeping pills, waking up after taking melatonin brings a sense of vigour.

VALERIAN ROOT EXTRACT reduces excitability of a person in general, relieves and eliminates neurasthenic processes, relieves anxiety, spasmodic pain and muscle spasms. It is used as a mild sedative and prolongant in the treatment of insomnia. The rhizome of the medicinal plant helps relieve heart and headaches, has a calming effect, improves sleep. Valerian has virtually no side effects and is suitable even for pregnant women and children. A natural remedy that has an accumulative effect, helps to reduce blood pressure and restore kidney and liver function. Valerian root extract is effective in the treatment of hypertension. The effect of valerian on sleep is one of the most studied and useful properties of this medicinal plant. Regular use of valerian can improve sleep quality and make it easier to fall asleep through the following mechanisms:

  • effects on GABA: valerian enhances the action of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain, which leads to a decrease in nerve excitability and aids the process of falling asleep. Increasing GABA levels can also improve sleep quality as it helps the body move into the deep phases of sleep, which are the most restorative.
  • effect on the serotonin system: valerian helps to increase serotonin levels in the brain, which is beneficial in regulating sleep and mood. Serotonin in the body is converted into melatonin, which is the main regulator of the «sleep-wake» cycle and is responsible for synchronising biological rhythms.
  • relaxing effect: valerian helps to relax muscles and relieve tension, which helps to fall asleep quickly and easily. Thanks to its sedative effect, valerian can also reduce anxiety and stress before bedtime, which are one of the frequent causes of insomnia.
  • synergy with other herbal components: valerian is often used in complex preparations in combination with other medicinal plants such as eschscholzia, melissa or passiflora, which in turn can also improve sleep and reduce anxiety.

When taking valerian on a regular basis, you can expect to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and increase the overall comfort of your night's rest. However, it is worth remembering that valerian has a mild and gradual effect, and for best results, it should be combined with good sleep hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA (California poppy) is used as a sedative and antispasmodic agent. It has a mild analgesic effect. Used in neurology to correct sleep disorders, relieve anxiety and counteract hyperexcitability. Helps to fall asleep quickly and lengthens the phase of deep sleep. Also, eschscholzia helps to reduce spasms and pain in the muscles, gently reduces blood pressure, normalises heart rhythm. In combination with other natural calming herbs, the effect of eschscholzia is enhanced. Useful properties of eschscholzia are explained by the flavonoids, carotenoids (zeaxanthin) and alkaloids contained in it. Due to its high percentage of alkaloids, the plant is widely used in folk and classical medicine as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. In France, it is cultivated for the production of sedatives. In the United States, it is used in paediatrics for pain relief and as a sedative. In other countries, it is used for nervousness and sleep disorders. In addition to normalising sleep, eschscholzia helps relieve muscle spasms of the gallbladder and is used to treat various neurological disorders, depression and urinary incontinence in children.

PASSIONFLOWER (Passiflora incarnata L.) FLOWER EXTRACT is used for sleep disorders, hyperexcitability, headache, in the treatment of coronary heart disease and hypertension. It has a sedative, antispasmodic effect, reduces blood pressure, dilates the coronary vessels of the heart, lifts the mood. Passionflower is known as a natural sedative — a plant tranquiliser, moreover, it has been used since ancient times as a plant that naturally and gently lifts the mood. Therefore, passiflora used in psycho-emotional overexcitement and general high emotional excitability, various sleep disorders, migraine, pain during menstruation and menopausal ailments, epilepsy, heart ischaemia and various disorders of the nervous system. The complex of biologically active substances included in the composition of passiflora extract is represented by many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, iron and potassium, as well as:

  • indole alkaloids — have a sedative and soporific effect, reduce blood pressure, normalise heart rhythm;
  • flavonoids — strengthen and dilate blood vessels, improve blood supply to tissues, balance blood pressure;
  • coumarins — have antiviral, anticoagulant, antibacterial properties. Strengthen and dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow. Stop inflammatory processes, stop spasms;
  • quinone (vitamin K) — normalises blood clotting, strengthens bone and connective tissue, neutralises harmful toxic substances;
  • amino acids — involved in the synthesis and utilisation of vitamins, improve memory, have antidepressant activity, promote collagen production;
  • glycoproteins — protect the epithelium of internal organs, increase blood clotting, are involved in the synthesis of hormones;
  • glycosides — positively affect the heart muscle and vascular system, remove excess fluid from the body, relieve oedema, normalize blood pressure.

Preparations of passiflora are indicated in alcohol dependence in chronic form to reduce the need to get a new dose of alcohol and eliminate neurotic disorders. The active components of the plant have a calming effect on patients in the period of «withdrawal», improve mood, normalise sleep and increase efficiency. The effect of passionflower is enhanced with the simultaneous use of valerian.

LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis) LEAF EXTRACT has pronounced medicinal properties, which allows it to be used for the treatment of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue, insomnia, hysteria and post-traumatic stress disorder. Lemon balm contains tannins, bitters, saponins, stearins, flavonoids, a large number of organic acids, as well as vitamin B complex, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium. The positive effect of melissa extract on children with hyperactivity syndrome, irritable women during menopause and PMS, adolescents and young people who need mental support during intensive training has been proven. Lemon balm extracts are used as an effective sedative, making it possible to reduce the dosage of synthetic drugs or avoid them altogether. It helps with melancholy, vomiting, bloating, abdominal gas, cramps, headache, toothache, cystitis, colic, rheumatism and high blood pressure. Lemon balm has a very favourable effect on the processes of the brain, liver and heart. Melissa herb is widely known for its positive effects on the nervous system. Due to the content of essential oils, in particular citral and geranial, the plant has a mild sedative effect, can help with insomnia, reduce stress and improve the overall psycho-emotional state. Its active components promote relaxation and create a sense of calm, reducing anxiety and irritability. In addition, melissa extract helps with nervous exhaustion and nervousness, especially in situations of increased emotional stress. Regular use of melissa supplements may help improve sleep quality and mental health.

HOPS (Humulus lupulus) CONES EXTRACT is used to support the body in periods of increased psycho-emotional tension, stress, sleep disorders. Normalises circadian rhythms and improves sleep quality. Has a pronounced sedative effect. Preparations of hop coplasms used for insomnia, neurasthenia, radiculitis, kidney disease, painful menstruation, nocturnal pollutions, menopause. Hop cones contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, being a reliable assistant in the fight against stress and increased stress on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. They contain vitamins B, C and trace elements (magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc.), which has a tonic effect on the body. During periods of increased psycho-emotional stress hop extract can be recommended as an additional source of flavonoids, vitamins, bitter substances (lupin) and phytoestrogens. Hops cones improve the quality of sleep and promote better falling asleep, stabilise the nervous system and help recovery in stressful situations. The cones have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and improve the gastrointestinal tract.


Mistik VISION Мистик Визион


Who is recommended to take Mistik:

  • everyone who suffers from insomnia;
  • everyone who wakes up broken because of insufficient deep sleep;
  • anyone who suffers from interrupted sleep and nightmares;
  • anyone seeking to improve the quality of their sleep;
  • anyone with weakened nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • anyone who is under severe emotional stress.


Thanks to Mistik VISION you will be able to:

  • relieve fatigue, mental tension and relaxation;
  • reduce sensitivity to irritating factors and relax;
  • protect yourself from illnesses caused by overwork after mental or physical exertion;
  • help your child with bedwetting and nervous excitement;
  • reduce migraine headaches;
  • feel rested and energised after a healthy sleep.


Directions for use:

Adults take 1 capsule in the evening, 30 minutes before bedtime, drinking a large glass of water.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

60 capsules.

Composition of nutraceutical Mistik:

Ingredients 1 capsule
Valerian root extract 100 mg
Californian poppy (Eschscholzia californica) herb powder 80 mg
L-theanine 50 mg
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata L.) flower extract 50 mg
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaf extract 40 mg
Hops (Humulus lupulus) cones extract 40 mg
Melatonin 1 mg
Manufacturer JSC «Švenčionių vaistažolės»
Country of manufacture Lithuania
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic bottle
Quantity in a package 60 pcs.
Age group For adults
Dosage Adults take 1 capsule in the evening, 30 minutes before bedtime, drinking a large glass of water.
Components Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) root extract; Californian poppy (Eschscholzia californica) herb powder; L-theanine; Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata L.) flower extract; Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaf extract; Hops (Humulus lupulus) cones extract; Melatonin.

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