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"N" (Nutrimax VISION) — health of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

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"N" (Nutrimax VISION) — is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial complex consisting of minerals, vitamins and herbal components. It supports the kidneys, urogenital, endocrine, hematopoietic, immune, respiratory and joint systems. Increases haemoglobin, removes swelling, supports the hormonal background. Is a good tool for cleaning the human body at the cellular level. In addition, "N" (Nutrimax) has a positive effect on the heart, improves the elasticity of blood vessel walls and reduces the risk of thrombosis.

Inflammation hunter "N" (Nutrimax), acting at the cellular level, effectively copes with various acute infectious processes, primarily in the genitourinary system. It has antiseptic, antimicrobial and diuretic action.

Angelica root helps normalise the hormonal balance in the female body.

Bearberry has anti-inflammatory and diuretic action.

Cherry tail have a strong diuretic effect and remove urea and urates from the body. The extract gently crushes and removes pebbles, salts, sand from the kidneys and bladder.

Hamamelis has the ability to improve blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps prevent the development of varicose veins.

In addition, included in the dietary supplement "N", vitamin and mineral complex contains a set of components that regulate metabolism, normalise the immune and nervous systems, participate in the processes of hematopoiesis and building bone tissue.

Plant components (unlike synthetic diuretics) act gently, preserving the balance of vital electrolytes — potassium preservation effect.

Properties of complex "N" (Nutrimax):

  • Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Normalises the work of the genitourinary system.
  • Has a diuretic effect and fights swelling, including the face.
  • Recommended for diseases of the genitourinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, inflammatory diseases of the female organs, uterine myoma, premenstrual and menopausal syndrome and others.
  • Reduces the risk of infectious diseases, including genitourinary system.
  • Supports and normalises venous circulation.
  • Reduces blood viscosity and the risk of thrombosis.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of varicose veins, hemorrhoids.
  • Has a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic action.
  • Contributes to the gentle removal of sand and small stones from the kidneys and ureters, and prevents their formation.
  • Promotes rapid healing of bones in fractures.
  • Effective in the prevention of diseases of bones and joints.
  • Restores calcium and iron reserves in the body.
  • Increases the level of haemoglobin.
  • Helps to normalise the hormonal balance.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Improves the digestive system.

Recommended as a dietary food supplement — a source of polyphenolic compounds (gallic acid), flavonoids (rutin), arbutin, tannins, an additional source of vitamins B6, B2, B1, B12, D3, niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), folic acid (vitamin B9), biotin, iron.
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


ANGELICA has analgesic, antispasmodic, diuretic, antimicrobial action (especially in infections of the genitourinary system), stimulates bile flow, secretion of pancreatic and gastric juice, improves motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Improves peripheral circulation, dilates blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity and the risk of thrombosis, increases the level of haemoglobin in the blood and is used in the treatment of anaemia. Angelica is considered a good blood purifier from fatty deposits and promotes blood oxygenation, has antibacterial and antifungal activity. Natural coumarins angelica thin the blood and activate blood circulation, improving microcirculation in the tissues and preventing blood stasis, including in the pelvic organs. Ferulic acid has antithrombotic and antioxidant effect — thanks to it angelica is considered as a preventive agent for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including cerebral vessels. Phytotherapists recommend angelica for arthritis, allergic diseases and problems with the nervous system. Phytoestrogens, which are part of angelica, support the reproductive system of the female body and eliminate disorders of the hormonal background. In phytotherapy, angelica is recommended to be taken by women to regulate the menstrual cycle, as well as to relieve hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms during menopause. In addition, angelica is uroseptic, has a diuretic effect and is used in inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

CHERRY TAIL EXTRACT has not only diuretic, but also anti-inflammatory and firming effect, promotes the removal of sand from the ureters without causing acute pain. Cherry tail increase the circulation of intercellular fluid, stimulate the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body, provide detoxification of the internal environment of the body and tissue drainage. Remove urea and urates from the body. Help with kidney stone disease, joint disease, oedema and diarrhoea. The extract gently crushes and removes pebbles, salts, sand from the kidneys and bladder. The tail are full of tannins, citric and malic acids, dextrose, quercetin and fructose, which are easily digested by diabetics. Coumarins, which are present in the tails, promote blood clotting, preventing blood clots in blood vessels. Tail improve the general condition of the body with diabetes and atherosclerosis, normalise the work of the GI tract. Useful for lazy intestines, as they stimulate digestion and peristalsis.

BEARBERRY is an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and diuretic. Its properties are due to hydroquinone, which has antimicrobial action, which helps to cleanse the urinary tract from bacterial flora and inflammation products. It is used in inflammatory diseases of the bladder, urinary tract and urolithiasis, in venereal diseases. Bearberry contains flavonoids (polyphenols), including quercitin, catechins, and anthocyanins. These compounds have antioxidant and antimicrobial action, reduce capillary fragility. But the greatest interest is the high content (up to 20%) of arbutin in the leaves. Arbutin, getting into the body, provides anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect in cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system, as it penetrates directly into the bladder. Flavonoids destroy germs, bacteria and viruses. Ursulic acid is endowed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, gallic acid — prevents the development of tumours and premature aging. Tannins have a beneficial effect on the intestines. Together, these components increase the excretion of salts and water from the body, thus eliminating the most common stagnant phenomena of excess fluid accumulation — oedema, puffiness of the face, loose figure and even cellulite.

HAMAMELIS LEAF EXTRACT has astringent, wound-healing, styptic, anti-haemorrhoidal action, prevents the development of varicose veins, the formation of haemorrhoidal nodes. Strong antibacterial and antifungal agent, effective against any inflammatory processes. Flavonoids Hamamelis strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, reduce the pathology of vascular walls, normalise transcapillary exchange, reducing the output of liquid blood in the surrounding tissues. Have a protective effect on the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of oedema, reduce allergic reactions. Hamamelis extract has a favourable effect on blood circulation in the venous system, similar to horse chestnut. Hamamelis also causes the outflow of fluid from the blood vessels and strengthens the vascular walls, helping to prevent varicose veins. These properties of Hamamelis are used in dermatocosmetology to eliminate the mesh of dilated blood vessels on the face. By combining with vitamin B3, Hamamelis aids in the excretion of blood impurities from the urinary tract. In addition to eliminating blood, Hamamelis together with Bearberry filters it, removing end products of metabolism, excess sodium and water from the blood.

VITAMIN B3 (PP, Niacinamide) — normalises blood sugar levels and is responsible for controlling its intake. It is also necessary for the cardiovascular system — taking care of the increase of good cholesterol, it not only reduces the level of bad cholesterol, but also participates in the synthesis of haemoglobin, dilates blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Vitamin PP stimulates the production of enzymes in the liver, pancreas and gastric juice, promotes the digestion of vegetable proteins and supports the function of the intestinal mucosa and oral cavity. Can not only stimulate memory and associative thinking, but also relieve schizophrenia. Normalises the body's immune response.

IRON PIDOLATE one of the highly digestible forms of iron. Iron in the body is essential for energy production. It acts as an antioxidant, protects cells from free radicals and promotes quick thinking. Iron helps to increase haemoglobin in the blood, has a beneficial effect on thyroid function and is involved in the formation of immune cells in the body. In combination with vitamins B12 and B9 (folic acid), iron promotes the formation of red blood cells, reduces fatigue and the proper functioning of the immune system. Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies, especially in women of childbearing age, pregnant and lactating women, and is manifested by weakness and fatigue.

VITAMIN B5 (Pantothenic acid) is transformed when it enters the body. It is converted into pantethine, which is part of coenzyme A. It is this component that helps oxidation and acetylation processes in the body. It is also responsible for actively carrying out metabolic processes and provides the body with energy. That is why without vitamin B5 in the body it is impossible to break down fats, carbohydrates and amino acids. It is an integral part of the synthesis of fatty acids. Without it, the body cannot break down cholesterol, histamine, acetylcholine and haemoglobin. The benefits of vitamin B5 are most pronounced for the hormonal background. It stimulates the production of glucocorticoids in the adrenal glands. For this reason, it helps with arthritis, colitis and allergies. Vitamin B5 is also important for the heart. It protects this organ from diseases and strengthens blood vessels.

VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine) — is involved in the production of more than 60 enzymes, stimulates the release of energy, ensures proper functioning of the nervous system, is involved in the production of haemoglobin. This vitamin is also essential for normalising the adrenal and thyroid glands, regulating blood glucose levels in the body, maintaining the balance of sodium and potassium. Vitamin B6 helps to eliminate nocturnal muscle cramps, cramps of the calf muscles and numbness of the hands. It is also essential for normal nucleic acid synthesis, which prevents aging and supports immunity. Vitamin B6 in combination with vitamins B9 and B12 makes it easy to eliminate a recently identified risk factor for cardiovascular disease ― homocysteine, an amino acid whose elevated blood levels correspond to a higher incidence of stroke and myocardial infarction. Pyridoxine also acts as a diuretic, helping to reduce water retention in the body, which lowers blood pressure. According to a Harvard University survey of 15,000 American doctors, those with the lowest levels of pyridoxine had a 50 per cent higher incidence of myocardial infarction than those with adequate nutrition.

VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine) is used by almost every cell in our body. It is especially important for maintaining proper energy levels and metabolism. In combination with other B vitamins, it regulates important functions of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems. Helps improve brain function, memory, attention, thinking, normalises mood, improves learning ability, stimulates bone and muscle growth, normalises appetite, slows down ageing processes, reduces the negative effects of alcohol and tobacco, maintains tone and normal functioning of the heart muscle. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, which are used for constant energy.

VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin) is essential for the formation of some hormones and red blood cells, it is also involved in the synthesis of ATP, protects the retina from harmful UV rays, improves visual acuity and adaptation in the dark. It affects the normal functioning of the body, as it is part of many enzymes and flavoproteins (specific biologically active substances). Athletes, and people whose work takes place under conditions of constant physical exertion, the vitamin is needed as a fuel converter — it turns fats and carbohydrates into energy. In other words, vitamin B2 is involved in the conversion of sugars into energy. Riboflavin reduces the impact of negative factors on the cells of the nervous system, takes part in immune processes and in the restoration of mucous membranes, including the stomach.

VITAMIN B9 (Folic acid) is essential for normalising the circulatory system and immunity. When exposed to folic acid, serotonin, the hormone of joy, is released. And the benefit of vitamin B9 is also the supply of carbon for the synthesis of haemoglobin. Vitamin B9 affects cell division, growth and development of all tissues, improves immune system function, and supports the cardiovascular system. Vitamin B9 is good for the health of the liver and the entire digestive system. In addition, folic acid ensures the transmission of impulses between the cells of the nervous system, regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, relieves the effects of stressful situations. Deficiency of vitamin B9 can lead to depression, anxiety, memory impairment, anaemia, digestive disorders.

VITAMIN B7 (D-Biotin) — it is this substance that, when it comes into contact with insulin, starts the process of glucose processing. The D-Biotin form is the only one of the eight forms of biotin that is fully biologically active! Regulating blood sugar levels is not the only beneficial property of vitamin B7. Biotin is essential for the optimal functioning of the nervous system, whose cells need glucose as their main source of nutrition, improves mood and makes us energetic. Biotin deficiency causes low blood sugar levels and depresses the nervous system. Irritability, nervousness, fatigue, insomnia, all of which can lead to a nervous breakdown. Biotin also has a positive effect on skin, nails and hair, regulates the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, helps to solve many dermatological problems such as dandruff, acne, seborrhoea.

VITAMIN D3 (Cholecalciferol) helps prevent heart disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, diabetes, depression, psychosis and respiratory infections such as colds and flu. It is essential for the formation of bones, teeth and good quality hair, for the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems and to fight inflammation. Vitamin D3 maintains the level of inorganic phosphorus in the blood, prevents muscle weakness, increases the body's immunity, affects intestinal, kidney and muscle cells, and is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and heart function. By controlling the optimal level of calcium in the blood, the sunshine vitamin helps the nervous system to work smoothly and the muscles to stay strong and toned! With vitamin D3 deficiency, our physical strength is at zero and chronic fatigue is a constant companion even on weekends and holidays.

VITAMIN B12 (Cyanocobalamin) plays a key role in the process of blood formation and erythrocyte maturation, as well as in the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism in liver tissue, optimises the nervous system, metabolic processes in the body, reduces cholesterol and stimulates growth. Vitamin B12 is involved in the synthesis of DNA molecules, amino acids, affects the processing of fats and carbohydrates. Vitamin B12 stimulates cell division. On its presence in the body depends the well-being of those tissues that are most susceptible to intensive division: immune cells, blood and skin cells, as well as cells that make up the upper intestine. Vitamin B12 affects the myelin sheath (the coating of nerves), and a deficiency of the vitamin causes irreversible nerve damage. Reduces irritability. Improves concentration, memory and balance.


Project v N Nutrimax Vision


Advantages of dietary supplement "N":

  • the composition of the complex includes well-known and well-studied components that have undergone long-term clinical studies;
  • use of highly active extracts with increased bioavailability;
  • the production of "N" complies with the high European and international standards of GMP, ISO and HACCP food safety;
  • cryo-crushing technology at -196 °C;
  • exclusive formula;
  • vegetable capsule — suitable for vegetarians;
  • European quality — produced in France;
  • use of ingredients in an easily digestible form;
  • easy to swallow small capsule size;
  • innovative packaging — easy to carry.
  • free of stearates, colourings, preservatives.


Directions for use:

Adults take one capsule twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the product. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medication or have any medical conditions, you should consult your doctor before using any nutritional supplements.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

60 capsules.

Composition of nutraceutical "N" (Nutrimax VISION):

Ingredients 2 capsules %RI*
Angelica root 100 mg **
Cherry tail extract 70 mg **
Bearberry leaf 70 mg **
Hamamelis leaf extract 60 mg **
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) 36 mg 225
Iron 14 mg 100
Vitamin B5 12 mg 200
Vitamin B6 5 mg 357
Vitamin B1 4 mg 363
Vitamin B2 4 mg 285
Vitamin B9 0,4 mg 200
D-Biotin 0,3 mg 600
Vitamin D3 0.02 mg 400
Vitamin B12 0,005 mg 200

*RI: Reference Intake (According to European Regulation 1169/2011)
**Daily value not eatablished



Manufacturer Trading Point Group Elite Pharm
Country of manufacture France
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic box
Quantity in a package 60 pcs.
Age group No restrictions
Dosage Adults take one capsule twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.
Components Angelica root, Cherry tail extract, Bearberry leaf, Hamamelis leaf extract, Vitamin B3 (niacinamide), Iron pidolate, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6, B1, B2, Vitamin B9 (folic acid), D-Biotin, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12.

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  • Delivery time 1-2 days.
  • For ordering in Ukraine after the phone number, surname and first name — specify the country of delivery Ukraine!

Address delivery "Nova Poshta" to the door in Ukraine:

  • Delivery time 1-3 days.
  • The cost of delivery from 100 UAH.
  • Free of charge at the cost of the order from 3000 UAH.
  • For ordering in Ukraine after the phone number, surname and first name — specify the country of delivery Ukraine!

Delivery to EU and other countries:

  • Delivery time from 10-28 business days — depends on the location of your country.
  • Order dispatch after payment by Visa, Mastercard via WayForPay* payment system.
  • Shipping costs from 9 EUR to Europe, UAE, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and some other countries.
  • Delivery costs from 16 EUR to Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea and China.
  • Shipping costs from 23 EUR to Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia and some other countries of Asia and Oceania.
  • For delivery to other countries — in English specify your country, then start typing the name of the city and select it from the list, then specify your address. If your country is NO during the checkout — write to Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or Email and maybe we can add it to the selection of delivery countries.

Dear customers outside Ukraine! Especially for you, we always declare the total customs value of ordered goods below 40 euros and arrange the shipment as a «gift», so that you do NOT pay customs duty for import. But even this cannot guarantee that the parcel will not be taxed in the receiving country.

*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. If payment failed (Response Code: 1101) — go to the "Payment and Delivery" page — there is an answer there!

More about delivery

  • Payment with WayForPay* by Visa, Mastercard — Without commission!
  • Cash on delivery "Nova Poshta" upon receipt of the parcel — Nova Poshta commission 20 UAH + 2% of the order value.
  • Payment to the bank's card by details — according to the tariff of your bank.

*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. Payments are received to the accounts of Ukrainian banks in the national currency hryvnia. Conversion takes place on the side of the payer's bank.

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