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Vision International People Group

The company Vision International People Group was founded in 1996, based, as it is now, on health products, primarily biologically active supplements. Dynamically developing and gaining momentum, not only new products but also whole series were regularly presented. As time has shown — actual and in demand. One thing is unchanged to this day — quality, followed by huge popularity, recognition and demand.

The raw materials (herbs) for VISION supplements are collected in ecologically clean areas around the world. Production is carried out mainly in Europe using a unique patented technology — cryo-crushing. The processing of ingredients takes place at a temperature of -196°C. This guarantees maximum preservation of valuable substances in the capsule and ensures efficiency and absorption by the body at the level of 96-98%. The composition of each product is selected in such a way that the action of the components is mutually reinforced - the synergy effect.

The products compare favourably with competitors in that they comply with international standards GMP, ISO, HACCP, ECOCERT, and have passed official clinical trials in many countries where official representative offices have been opened. They were conducted on the basis of major authoritative medical institutes. As a result, methodological recommendations for use were drawn up.

Who is recommended
Products will benefit any person who cares about himself. The deficit of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macro-elements in modern food is higher than ever. It has long been no secret — "you are what you eat". In developed countries, 70-90% of the population take bio supplements, and according to numerous studies, life expectancy there is on average about eighty years. The quality of life directly depends on how well-balanced the diet is. It is important for all ages: children need full growth and development, adults need to be toned up and stay young longer, and pensioners need to get sick less often and visit hospitals and pharmacies less often.

Opinions and reviews
Fans of VISION products choose them not only for their naturalness and safety, but also for the positive changes that can be obtained by using them. A large number of real judgements and reviews of satisfied customers can be found on the vastness of the World Wide Web and on our website. Most customers feel positive changes in their health, often very significant, and sometimes so significant that to get such tried but could not, even using medication. As a rule, these results are not immediate and are achievable with a comprehensive programme, because it is not medication, badas solve the cause of the problem, not its symptoms and effects.
