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"JN" (Junior Neo VISION) — vitamin and mineral complex for children.

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"JN" (Junior Neo | LifePack Junior) is an optimal vitamin and mineral complex for children. Supplies the growing organism with vitamins and minerals necessary for normal growth. Provides harmonious development of all body systems. Helps cope with high physical, mental and intellectual loads and avoid premature fatigue. Relieves excitement.

"JN" (Junior Neo | Lifepack Junior) improves metabolism, blood circulation, brain activity, vision, memory, concentration, improves intelligence. Helps to strengthen the immune system. Useful for stunted growth, forms and strengthens tissues of bones, muscles, teeth. Increases the level of physical and cognitive activity. Has a positive effect on the work and development of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems.

Vitamins "JN" (Junior Neo) contribute to the prevention of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza and other viral diseases. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunomodulating properties.

Due to its balanced composition and dosage prepared taking into account the needs of the growing body, "JN" (Junior Neo) is able to make up for the deficiency of all vitamins, minerals and other nutrients required by children for the smooth functioning of all systems and organs.

Recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and elderly people in increased dosage.

Properties of vitamins "JN" (Junior Neo):

  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Provide your child's body with a full range of essential vitamins, micro- and macronutrients during active growth.
  • Help normalise metabolism and appetite in children.
  • Normalise the nervous system of the child.
  • Increase resistance to colds and infectious diseases.
  • Provide full absorption of calcium, which contributes to the strengthening of bones and teeth. Prevent the development of dental caries.
  • Effective in the period of adaptation to kindergarten and school.
  • Increase the concentration of attention, improve memory.
  • Do not allow fatigue and overexcitement.
  • Support the function of the digestive system.
  • Effective in stuttering and enuresis.
  • Necessary to prevent vision problems.
  • Increase haemoglobin.
  • Have a tonic effect.
  • Increase motor and cognitive activity.
  • Prevent delays in growth and development of the child. 
  • Used in mental and physical stress, during sports, sleep disorders.
  • Recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly people.

Recommended as a dietary food supplement — a source of flavonoids (hesperidin), organic acids, an additional source of vitamins C, E, B1, B6, B2, B3 (niacinamide), B9 (folic acid), B12, D3, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese and copper.
*Biological supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


CITRUS AURANTIUM PERICARP EXTRACT has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, strengthens the immune system and prevents colds. The fruits contains essential oils, organic acids and glycosides. Fruit zest extract stimulates the synthesis of melanin and vitamin D, eliminating the lack of sunlight of northern countries and strengthens the immune system. Furocoumarin and umbelliferone, which are part of Citrus aurantium fruit, have strong antifungal and antibacterial activity. The extract contains bioflavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, brain function, strengthen immunity, help reduce inflammation. Contains biologically active ingredient synephrine, which improves metabolic processes, has a tonic effect, increases the defences of the child's body, moderately increases activity and performance. Citrus aurantium extract contains ingredients that effectively relieve anxiety and reduce stress levels, help fight depression and sleep disorders. Citrus aurantium is an excellent remedy for nervous disorders, in particular, it can reduce irritability, hyperexcitability, sudden states of fear with palpitations, neurasthenia with stomach disorders and loss of appetite, sleep disorders. Citrus aurantium improves attention, memory and other cognitive thought processes.

BIOFLAVONOIDS (another name — Vitamin P) — the most numerous group of plant polyphenols, combining a number of biologically active substances, namely hesperidin, rutin and quercetin. They are an effective preventive agent: have an antioxidant effect, reduce blood clotting, reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, improve fat metabolism. Only plants produce flavonoids, so these substances are practically absent in products of animal origin. Bioflavonoids do not accumulate in the body and should therefore be taken daily with food. They can change the body's response to allergens, carcinogens and viruses. This is evidenced by the antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and anti-allergic properties of flavonoids. In addition, bioflavonoids can normalise the immune system, slow down inflammatory processes and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. Vitamin C together with vitamin P regulate the formation of collagen — the main element that helps to strengthen blood vessels and improve the condition of connective tissue tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, nails, hair, skin. Bioflavonoids also reduce oedema, normalise blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. However, in search of flavonoids, it makes sense for a modern person to turn not only to natural products, but also to biologically active supplements. In fact, neither chocolate nor fruit can provide children's bodies with a really sufficient amount of flavonoids. To combat this problem, specialists all over the world use dietary supplements as sources of flavonoids.

MAGNESIUM — its action is very important for the functioning of the nervous system and muscles. Magnesium deficiency affects children in particular. The child's nervous system is less resistant to stresses that arise as a result of adaptation to kindergarten and during school. It helps to reduce fatigue, eliminate problems with the heart and digestive organs, is used for the prevention of neuroses in children. Magnesium is involved in the energy metabolism of cells, proper regulation of metabolic processes, relieves excitability of the nervous system in children. As manifested by magnesium deficiency in adults and children: increased fatigue; irritability, increased emotionality, tearfulness, capriciousness; sleep disorders, difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, nightmares; headaches, dizziness; decreased memory and concentration; startle, nervous tics, muscle twitches, tremors (shaking of the hands, and in infants hands and chin); cramps in the calf muscles, muscle pain on pulling; abdominal pain, constipation; heart pain, palpitations; increased blood pressure; acute reaction to changes in atmospheric pressure, headaches, joint pain, etc.

VITAMIN C supports healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, aids in wound healing and strengthens muscles. European scientists have shown that vitamin C supplementation can reduce the frequency and duration of respiratory infections, so vitamin C supplementation in children can help prevent frequent acute acute acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb another important micronutrient — iron. Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, a protein that helps your child's body form healthy ligaments, tendons, bones and teeth, as well as skin. Initial symptoms of vitamin C deficiency may include irritability, loss of appetite, and bruising. Another sign of vitamin C deficiency is bleeding gums. Children may develop joint inflammation or joint pain. The body does not store vitamin C, so children should take daily ascorbic acid supplements.

VITAMIN B3 is necessary for children's organism to convert carbohydrates and fats into energy. It participates in the breakdown and further synthesis of amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, regulates cholesterol levels, so vitamin B3 deficiency is dangerous for the body. It improves the function of the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on digestion, protects the cardiovascular system, is involved in the production of sex hormones and red blood cells. Vitamin B3 has a beneficial effect on brain function — memory, concentration, thinking. The brain needs it as much as calcium for bones — without it, memory cannot function properly, the child loses the ability to associate, can not sleep. Normal vision is also a credit to vitamin B3. It helps maintain healthy skin, benefits hair and stimulates blood circulation in the hair roots. Symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, insomnia, flaking skin on the face and hands, and cracking of the mucous membranes of the mouth, skin.

VITAMIN E plays a central role in the immune system of children. Its deficiency seriously affects the development and condition of the immune system, the most important protein haemoglobin in the blood, the lack of which leads to anaemia. In addition, deficiency of the vitamin leads to a decrease in mental activity, malfunctions and delays in the development of the sexual system in adolescence. Vitamin E improves skin and hair nutrition, reduces dryness and strengthens nails. Vitamin E also regulates energy metabolism in muscles, helping to build up energy reserves. It improves the functioning of the nervous system. It also helps absorption of nutrients, including vitamin D, and protects vitamin A from being destroyed in the body. Vitamins C and E prevent fatigue and overexcitement, which are common in children, and improve memory. Typical manifestations of tocopherol deficiency include: weakness of the muscular system; mental and emotional instability; mental and physical retardation in children; deterioration of the visual organs; and premature aging of the skin.

ZINC is necessary for normal development and formation of internal organs in children and adolescents. The trace element activates over 200 enzymes used by the body for digestion and quality assimilation of food. It participates in metabolism, increases immunity, has strong antioxidant properties. Together with vitamins A and C prevents immunodeficiencies by stimulating antibody synthesis and antiviral action. In tandem with vitamins B6 and B9 normalises and regulates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes. Zinc is involved in the formation of the skeleton and bones, is able to accelerate the healing of wounds, help normalise the gastrointestinal tract. Effective in the fight against various diseases and disorders of the nervous system. If you start taking vitamins with zinc at an early stage of respiratory infection, it will allow your child to recover faster. Lack of this important trace element can cause impaired growth and development of children, appetite, loss of the full function of the skin as the main organ of defence.

BETACAROTENE is responsible for stem cell distribution, body growth, immune system strength, and quality of vision. It improves intestinal, liver and kidney function, removes toxins, has antibacterial and antiviral properties. β-carotene ensures stable activity of the visual analyser, participates in the synthesis of retinal pigment and the process of perception of light by the eye. Provitamin A is especially useful during the cold and flu season. It strengthens the immune system against invading bacteria, viruses and fungi. Lack of β-carotene mainly negatively affects the appearance of children — acne appears, the skin becomes dry and flaky. In addition, nails and hair suffer. The former begin to break, and the latter become more sparse and can fall out even at a fairly early age. The following symptoms may also be observed: increased sensitivity of tooth enamel; stunted growth; reduced quality of vision; deterioration of the immune system.

VITAMIN B6 helps the body convert food into energy. It is also involved in fighting infections and supporting your child's immune system. It ensures the metabolism of amino acids, increases the body's defences and has a positive effect on the nervous system. In addition, it is involved in the production of blood cells and haemoglobin and regulates hormone levels. This element is involved in the production of happy hormones, which are responsible for sound sleep, good mood and appetite. To all this, vitamin B6 is a conductor of magnesium into the cells. And magnesium helps retain calcium in new bone cells. That is, the presence of a proper amount of vitamin B6 is essential for the child's body in general, and his bone system in particular. Insufficient levels of vitamin B6 can lead to anaemia, skin diseases (dermatitis), sudorifics, irritability and digestive problems.

MANGANESE — without it, the central nervous system cannot function properly. This useful trace element helps your child feel much stronger and calmer, less quick to take offence and worry in awkward situations or stress. Manganese controls the production of neurotransmitters, which are responsible for ensuring the rapid transmission of nerve impulses from nerve tissue fibres to other similar fibres. If manganese is present in the body in the correct doses, bones will grow and develop normally. Manganese is as essential for bones as calcium. The mineral helps cartilage to grow faster and become stronger, a feature that is especially beneficial for children, adolescents and people with bone injuries. Due to manganese, vitamins are absorbed faster, especially B vitamins, vitamins C and E. With manganese, the brain works faster and clearer, and metabolism is accelerated. Signs of potential manganese deficiency include: decreased glucose sensitivity, growth problems in children, changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, chronic fatigue, and hormonal imbalances.

VITAMIN В1 is the most important vitamin in the energy metabolism of children. It helps improve brain function, memory, attention, thinking, normalises mood, improves learning ability, stimulates bone and muscle growth, normalises appetite, maintains muscle tone in the digestive tract, eliminates seasickness and relieves motion sickness, maintains normal functioning of the heart muscle, reduces toothache. It is vitamin B1 that gives a child maximum energy for play, learning and development. Vitamin B1 deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms: increased fatigue; irritability; depression; insomnia or restless sleep; memory problems; loss of concentration; loss of appetite; diarrhoea or hypotonic constipation; nausea; headaches; impaired coordination of movement; muscle weakness; shortness of breath occurs even at the slightest physical exertion

VITAMIN В2 plays an important role in metabolism and is essential for the formation of red blood cells, the production of antibodies by the immune system, and the regulation of growth and reproductive functions in the body. It helps relieve tired eyes, is essential for healthy skin, hair, eyes and liver, and helps the nervous system and brain. Riboflavin is also an antioxidant and helps the body convert vitamin B6 and folic acid into their active forms, which is important for the growth and production of red blood cells. Vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to inflammation of the skin (seborrhoeic dermatitis) and mucous membranes (chapped lips and corners of the mouth, red tongue) and visual disturbances (tearing, increased sensitivity to light).

COPPER performs many functions, including: synthesis of white blood cells and red blood cells; synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity and bone strength; stimulation of the pituitary gland; normalisation of the digestive system; and participation in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes. In addition, copper strengthens the immune system and is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to cells throughout the body. The trace element has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Without copper, the body is not even able to convert iron into haemoglobin. In addition, it strengthens bones, increases the production of red and white blood cells, supports immune function and promotes the growth of young children. Copper deficiency occurs most often in young children who are born early. If there is a deficiency of the trace element, the following symptoms may occur: increased fatigue; hair loss; skin pigmentation disorders; weakened immunity; greying of the hair; various rashes. Copper deficiency in the nervous system causes nerve impulses to reach the heart muscle and other organs at different speeds. This can lead to things like cardiac arrhythmias and other neurological disorders.

VITAMIN B9 (Folic acid) is actively involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, the formation of red blood cells and is vital during the period of rapid growth of the child's body. Vitamin B9 affects the growth and development of all tissues, improves the immune system, supports the cardiovascular system. It is also involved in the synthesis of amino acids and enzymes. It has a beneficial effect on the function of the hematopoietic system and white blood cells, the health of the liver and the entire digestive system. Also folic acid regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system and relieves the effects of stressful situations. Symptoms of folic acid deficiency include: depressed restlessness; feelings of fear; memory problems; digestive problems; oral stomatitis; anaemia; decreased activity in children; irritability and aggression; skin disorders; and hair loss. In addition, over time, B9 deficiency can lead to central nervous system dysfunction, up to and including retarded thinking.

VITAMIN D3 is extremely important for the maintenance of complete calcium and phosphorus metabolism and normal bone growth. It ensures the maintenance of a healthy nerve sheath, normal transmission of nerve impulses and normal contraction of muscle fibres. Vitamin D3 together with other vitamins strengthens immunity and is an excellent means of preventing colds of all kinds. A pronounced deficiency of this nutrient in infancy and childhood can lead to rickets, a disease in which bone mineralisation is impaired. This condition is particularly dangerous for fast-growing bones, because with age the growth plates continue to increase, but inadequate mineralisation leads to curvature of weight-bearing limbs (both legs and arms). In children, D3 deficiency is characterised by increased fatigue, decreased concentration and memory, vision problems, immunity problems and resistance to infections. The child complains of poor sleep, becomes irritable, sweating increases. Severe vitamin D deficiency can lead to hypocalcaemia (low blood calcium levels), which can lead to seizures.

CHROMIUM is important for the body's energy supply and allows insulin to enter the body's cells more easily. Insulin and chromium make sure that energy sources such as sugar and fat keep a constant level in the blood, neither rising nor falling. This mechanism is very important for children as they move more than adults. Thanks to chromium, the body receives more energy. Without it, protein transport, normal thyroid function and tissue repair are impossible. The compound has the ability to replace iodine, which is useful for the thyroid gland. This property is extremely important for children with iodine deficiency. Participating in the regulation of fat metabolism, the trace element prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Chromium does not allow the accumulation of fat in the form of deposits. It is necessary for the prevention of bone destruction. With a deficiency of chromium, the child will constantly feel hungry, for this reason there is overweight and fat deposits. If there is not enough chromium in the food (and therefore in the body), the child wants sweets. But this does not help, so a vicious circle is created: the more sweets are eaten, the more the chromium content in the body decreases.

VITAMIN B12 regulates the function of the nervous system, plays a role in the growth and formation of red blood cells, neuronal development and DNA synthesis. This vitamin contributes to the synthesis of many compounds in children's bodies. It is essential for more than 100 body functions on a daily basis. Vitamin B12 and B9 are essential for the synthesis of myelin, a substance that protects nerve fibres and ensures rapid signal transmission between nerve cells. If myelin is damaged, impulse transmission is impaired. Therefore, vitamin B12 is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Reduces irritability. Improves concentration, memory and balance. Good blood circulation is often associated with high iron levels, but in fact folic acid and vitamin B12 play a similar role. B12 helps the division of red blood cells, which are essential for maintaining continuous oxygen circulation in the body. Therefore, deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid is often the cause of anaemia. Its deficiency causes damage to the myelin sheath covering cranial, peripheral and spinal nerves, which in turn causes neurological damage.


Project v jn junior neo vision


Advantages of vitamins "JN":

  • Unlike other vitamin and mineral complexes for children, the unique formula of "JN" is supplemented with Citrus aurantium extract.
  • "JN" with pomelo extract with regular intake has a positive effect on metabolic processes and brain function, helps to strengthen immunity and reduces inflammation.
  • Easy to use by children — chewable tablets with chocolate flavour are perceived as tasty candy.
  • The composition of the complex includes well-known and well-studied components that have undergone long-term clinical studies.
  • The production of "JN" complies with the high European and international standards of GMP, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Cryo-crushing technology at -196 °C.
  • Exclusive formula.
  • Highly active extracts with increased bioavailability.
  • European quality — manufactured in France.
  • Use of components in an easily digestible form.
  • Innovative packaging — easy to carry.

Contains no:

  • gluten,
  • sugar,
  • stearates,
  • preservatives,
  • GMO ingredients,
  • antibiotics,
  • hormones,
  • active pharmaceutical ingredients!


Directions for use:

Children from 4 years of age one candy twice a day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon). Adults in increased dosage.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

60 chewable tablets with chocolate flavour.

Composition of multivitamins "JN" (Junior Neo VISION):

Ingredients In 2 tablets %RI*
Citrus aurantium pericarp extract 40 mg **
Bioflavonoids 14 mg **
Magnesium 44,32 mg 11,82
Vitamin C 40 mg 50
Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) 8 mg 50
Vitamin E 4 mg 33
Zinc 3 mg 30
Betacarotene 2 mg **
Vitamin B6 0,8 mg 57
Manganese 0,8 mg 40
Vitamin B2 0,8 mg 57
Vitamin B1 0,7 mg 64
Copper 0,3 mg 30
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 180 µg 90
Vitamin D3 9 µg 180
Chromium 14 µg 35
Vitamin B12 0,10 µg 4

*RI: Reference Intake (According to European Regulation 1169/2011)
**Daily value not eatablished

Vitamin and mineral complex "JN" (Junior Neo | LifePack Junior) does NOT contain: — Gluten, GMO ingredients, antibiotics, hormones, active pharmaceutical ingredients, drugs, steroids, anabolics, chemical, nano-technological materials that can harm the body or affect the behaviour of the child!


3.3 Certificates PROJECT VISION eng.jpg

Manufacturer Trading Point Group Elite Pharm
Country of manufacture France
Form of issue Chewable tablets
Package Plastic box
Quantity in a package 60 pcs.
Age group No restrictions
Dosage Children from 4 years of age one candy twice a day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon). Adults in increased dosage.
Components Citrus aurantium pericarp extract, Bioflavonoids, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3 (niacinamide), Vitamin E, Zinc, Beta-carotene, Vitamin B6, Manganese, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Copper, Vitamin B9 (folic acid), Vitamin D3, Chromium, Vitamin B12.

Delivery "Nova Poshta" in Ukraine — Free of charge!

  • Delivery time 1-2 days.
  • For ordering in Ukraine after the phone number, surname and first name — specify the country of delivery Ukraine!

Address delivery "Nova Poshta" to the door in Ukraine:

  • Delivery time 1-3 days.
  • The cost of delivery from 100 UAH.
  • Free of charge at the cost of the order from 3000 UAH.
  • For ordering in Ukraine after the phone number, surname and first name — specify the country of delivery Ukraine!

Delivery to EU and other countries:

  • Delivery time from 10-28 business days — depends on the location of your country.
  • Order dispatch after payment by Visa, Mastercard via WayForPay* payment system.
  • Shipping costs from 9 EUR to Europe, UAE, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and some other countries.
  • Delivery costs from 16 EUR to Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea and China.
  • Shipping costs from 23 EUR to Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia and some other countries of Asia and Oceania.
  • For delivery to other countries — in English specify your country, then start typing the name of the city and select it from the list, then specify your address. If your country is NO during the checkout — write to Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or Email and maybe we can add it to the selection of delivery countries.

Dear customers outside Ukraine! Especially for you, we always declare the total customs value of ordered goods below 40 euros and arrange the shipment as a «gift», so that you do NOT pay customs duty for import. But even this cannot guarantee that the parcel will not be taxed in the receiving country.

*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. If payment failed (Response Code: 1101) — go to the "Payment and Delivery" page — there is an answer there!

More about delivery

  • Payment with WayForPay* by Visa, Mastercard — Without commission!
  • Cash on delivery "Nova Poshta" upon receipt of the parcel — Nova Poshta commission 20 UAH + 2% of the order value.
  • Payment to the bank's card by details — according to the tariff of your bank.

*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. Payments are received to the accounts of Ukrainian banks in the national currency hryvnia. Conversion takes place on the side of the payer's bank.

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— Manufacturer's warranty
