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Reviews 13
Nice vitamins!
Very good vitamin and mineral complex for vision
Гарний комплекс вітамінів!
Hello. Now it is such a time that we are constantly with the phone, as well as work at the computer, and this affects, of course, on vision. I have looked through many preparations and stopped on S2S it includes all necessary vitamins. To support visual acuity. In the evening there was a feeling of eye fatigue. now it's gone. also started to give my son
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"S2S" (Safe-to-see VISION) — comprehensive vision support, normalises brain activity.

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"S2S" (Safe-to-see VISION) is a biologically active supplement that protects vision and relieves eye fatigue. The balanced formula of the updated composition was specially developed by "Trading Point groupe Elite Pharm" (top 5 manufacturers in France) for PROJECT V (VISION) and contains a complex of the best vitamins for eyes. "S2S" (Safe-to-See VISION) will help reduce the risk of retinal diseases and visual impairment, eliminate manifestations of eye fatigue syndrome.

Multivitamin complex "S2S" (Safe-to-see forte VISION) contains powerful natural antioxidants useful for the health of the visual system — natural pigments Lutein and Zeaxanthin (carotenoids), as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals. Together with other components of the complex, they protect the retina from the damaging effects of free radicals formed under the influence of light rays, help prevent and slow the deterioration of vision, especially in old age. This complex helps to strengthen the vascular wall, get rid of dryness, redness, foreign body sensation that occurs after prolonged work with computer monitors and phone screens.

The composition "S2S" is a source of powerful antioxidants such as zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, as well as vitamins B, E, and C, necessary for normal functioning of the organs of vision. These strong antioxidants protect the mucous membrane of the eye from inflammation (conjunctivitis), computer radiation and intense visual stress on the mucous membrane of the eye, increase visual acuity. Vitamins C, E and Selenium, complementing each other, maintain the structural integrity of cells and protect the lens of the eye and other parts of the visual system from damage by free radicals and the development of eye diseases. In combination with Lutein and Zeaxanthin, they may slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and loss of visual acuity. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) reduces high blood pressure and relieves eye fatigue. It dilates small vessels (including the brain) and improves microcirculation. This is why niacin is successfully used to treat vascular disorders in the eye — it dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood supply to the optic nerve. Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Selenium are part of the organs, cells and regulatory proteins of the visual system, participate in the biochemical processes that ensure its health. They have clinically proven antioxidant action and contribute to the protection of cell components from oxidative damage.

Concentrated spray-dried bilberry juice supports the health of the visual system, improves visual perception, including in visually impaired persons. Active substances in the composition of blueberries accelerate the restoration of retinal tissue, improve blood circulation, reduce eye fatigue. Contained in blueberries anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, help strengthen the vascular wall and maintain visual acuity.

L-Glutathione plays an important role in the process of removing toxins, heavy metals and free radicals from cells. It provides antioxidant protection of the eye lens proteins and is effective in the prevention of age-related changes in the visual apparatus.

Properties of the complex "S2S" (Safe-to-See):

  • Contributes to reducing the risk of visual impairment.
  • Prevents weakening and atrophy of eye muscles, the development of myopia and hyperopia.
  • Helps to improve visual acuity and slow its decline.
  • Improves the elasticity of cell membranes of blood vessel walls, strengthens blood vessels.
  • Participates in the protection of the organs of vision from the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Promotes adaptation to dusk and darkness.
  • Improves blood circulation in the retina, normalises intraocular pressure.
  • Maintains the necessary level of nutrients for the eyes.
  • Helps reduce the development of age-related changes in the organs of vision.
  • Contributes to the removal of eye fatigue after visual load: the elimination of redness, the feeling of sand in the eyes, the feeling of dry eyes, foreign bodies and eye discomfort in people experiencing high visual stress in connection with work at monitors and screens.  
  • Normalises brain activity, provides a rapid influx of energy, helps the transmission of impulses carrying signals from one cell to another, does not let weaken the protection against age-related destruction of the visual apparatus.
  • Makes the eye clearer, contributes to its rejuvenation.
  • Normalises the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

Recommended as a dietary food supplement — a source of lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanins, L-Glutathione, an additional source of vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6, B9 (folic acid), B12 and minerals (zinc, copper, manganese and selenium).
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


BILBERRY BERRIES JUICE EXTRACT (spray-dried) accelerates the regeneration process of the retina and increases blood supply, thus protecting the eyes during prolonged visual strain and reducing eye fatigue. The main richness of bilberries is antioxidants. Bilberries antioxidants are called anthocyanins. They reduce the risk of many diseases: heart, circulatory system, eye and cancer. They have anti-inflammatory properties, help strengthen blood vessel walls and maintain visual acuity. In addition to anthocyanins, bilberries contain proanthocyanidins, flavonoids and tannins, which act as antioxidants and reduce inflammation. Bilberries can improve night vision (twilight vision) and reduce eye fatigue caused by working under artificial light for long periods of time. Consumption of bilberry extract is a good preventive measure against heart disease. Bilberry extract is also recommended for the prevention and treatment of anaemia, thrombosis and myocardial infarction.

TAGETES ERECTA FLOWER EXTRACT has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and immunostimulating properties, as well as being able to reduce tissue oedema and relieve pain. These effects are useful in any inflammatory lesions of the eye (viral, bacterial or fungal etiology). Thanks to the substance rutin, which is part of the flower, improves the elasticity of blood capillaries, they are less prone to brittleness, which prevents the development of varicose veins, cardiovascular disease. The extract of Tagetes contains carotenoids — lutein and zeaxanthin, which provide healthy vision throughout life. They protect the organs of vision, neutralise free radicals, prevent clouding of the lens and destruction of the retina, protect the retina from the negative effects of UV rays. The extract of Tagetes preserves vision, nourishes and strengthens eye tissues, protects under intense stress, maintains the health of the retina, reduces the risk of age-related changes. Tagetes stimulates tissue regeneration, immunity, collagen fibre synthesis and increases capillary blood flow.

PAPRIKA EXTRACT contains fat- and water-soluble carotenoid pigments and carotene (yellow pigment, provitamin A). The elements contained in paprika have a positive effect on health: fatty acids and vitamin A stimulate immunity, improve blood health, participate in the normalisation of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, make nails stronger, strengthen hair and give them shine. Paprika extract is a source of zeaxanthin! The extract increases blood circulation, improves digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juice, has anti-inflammatory, mildly stimulating and tonic effect, accelerates metabolism. It has a positive effect on the function of kidneys, lungs, spleen, pancreas, heart and stomach.

LUTEIN and ZEAXANTHIN in tagetes and paprika extracts are powerful carotenoids that form the so-called macular pigment, which protects the retina from the negative effects of UV rays, ensuring healthy vision throughout life. Maintaining their optimal concentration in the retina helps to strengthen vision. With their strong antioxidant properties, they neutralise free radicals and protect the eyes from light damage, thereby reducing the risk of retinal and lens diseases. Lutein is very important for people whose professional activities involve working on computers, bright artificial light, drivers, smokers, people over 40, women, people with light-coloured eyes, etc. It is also important to consider the fact that simply taking lutein alone without zeaxanthin is not effective. Zeaxanthin increases visual acuity, activates intercellular metabolism, thus providing nutrients to the eyes. Zeaxanthin complements and enhances the action of lutein. By interacting with lutein as an antioxidant and neutralising free radicals in the retina, zeaxanthin prevents damage to the lens of the eye.

LUTEIN reduces the formation and accumulation of lipofuscin pigment, the main cause of age-related retinal dystrophy and cataracts. Lipofuscin (brown ageing pigment) is dispersed in the cytoplasm of cells of all organs and tissues of the body. As we age and the cells, tissues and organs gradually shrink, the amount of lipofuscin increases dramatically, which is manifested in the formation of pigment spots on the skin and cataracts on the transparent media of the eyes. For this reason, the higher the lutein content in the retina of the eye, the lower the risk of cataracts. Experiments and practice have proven that taking lutein can protect vision and increase the density of the eye protection zone by 50%.

Two forms of lutein have been used in lutein studies: free lutein (found in green vegetables) and lutein ester (the fatty acid ester form of lutein found in yellow and orange fruits). Research conducted repeatedly by Phyllis Bowen and collaborators at the University of Illinois (Chicago, USA) confirmed the results that lutein ester for humans has high bioavailability. In addition, the results of this study show that the hydrolysis of lutein ester is 61.6% better than that of free lutein. The human body cannot synthesise lutein, so it must be obtained daily with food or in the form of supplements. In eye tissues, lutein provides visual acuity by absorbing the visually inefficient blue-violet part of the spectrum, neutralises oxidants and free radicals, preventing clouding of the lens and destruction of the retina.

French phytoconcern "Trading Point group Elite Pharm" has developed an effective and patented formula of lutein extraction from natural products, which has many valuable properties, in particular:

  • is easily absorbed by the body;
  • does not cause rejection reactions;
  • has an active form and acts in a targeted manner;
  • surpasses analogues in terms of effectiveness by ten times;
  • has a concentrated formula that allows you to take just one capsule per day.

ZEAXANTHIN is a pigment belonging to the oxygen-containing carotenoids. It is actually an isomer of the better known lutein, which is essential for maintaining healthy vision. This substance is responsible for the health of the retina and its normal functions (primary vision, response to external stimuli, light and colour perception). As we age, our stores of this carotenoid diminish and only a small fraction enters the body. These factors lead to a sharp deterioration of vision and the development of myopia and hyperopia. Zeaxanthin complements and enhances the effects of lutein by activating intercellular metabolism to provide nutrients to the eyes. People who take supplemental zeaxanthin consistently report an improvement in their vision, they see better in the dark, and their eyes are no longer sore and watery.

Properties of zeaxanthin:

  • relieves symptoms of eye fatigue,
  • improves vision,
  • improves the ability to see in the dark,
  • coats the thin capillaries of the retina,
  • protects the yellow spot of the eye from degradation.

Zeaxanthin is recommended as a supplements for people who:

  • have vision problems,
  • spend a lot of time in front of the computer and television,
  • experience frequent eye strain.

VITAMIN C is responsible for the blood supply to the eyes and provides additional protection against ultraviolet radiation. It is an antioxidant and thanks to it the eyes suffer less from oxidative stress. Ascorbic acid can reduce the risk of cataracts, and when combined with lutein and zeaxanthin can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and vision loss. Vitamin C strengthens the vascular wall and reduces capillary permeability and capillary fragility in diabetic retinopathy. According to some reports, vitamin C can improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, helps reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma. In acute vitamin C deficiency, the blood circulation of the eyes is impaired, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, and the muscles responsible for eye movement are weakened, which leads to decreased vision.

VITAMIN E is a powerful antioxidant. The main function of vitamin E is protective, thanks to which the cells of the body do not feel the harmful effects of oxidation. That is, vitamin E removes aggressive free radicals that oxidise fat in the blood and brain, disrupting the normal functioning of organs and stimulating premature aging of tissues. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E reduces the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Stimulates the formation of intercellular substance and connective tissue fibres, which determines its useful properties in myopia. One of the signs of vitamin E deficiency is deterioration of vision. This vitamin, which is important for the eyes, slows down the deadening of yellow spots, prevents the formation of eyesores and strengthens capillary walls. If a cell has enough vitamin E, its membrane acts as a protective wall that preserves oxidation processes and reduces damage. In fact preventing even damage to photoreceptors. Vitamin E also reduces eye pressure, which is a major cause of glaucoma. Vitamins C and E work in synergy to help prevent inflammation in the middle part of the retina (macula), which degenerates due to old age.

L-Glutathione is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It has detoxifying, antioxidant properties and protects cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It helps to boost immunity, reduce the incidence of infections, and has a positive effect in heart disease. L-Glutathione provides antioxidant protection of the eye lens proteins and is effective in the prevention of age-related visual changes. This amino acid is an important condition for the normal structure and functioning of the organs of vision. Being the strongest antioxidant, it protects the visual system from diseases arising due to damage from oxidative stress. Plays an important role in the process of removing toxins, heavy metals and free radicals from cells. It has an antioxidant and atherosclerotic effect, preventing the deposition of proteins in the lens tissue. L-Glutathione is effective in the prevention of diseases of the visual apparatus associated with exposure to powerful light streams (welding, skiing, photoflash for professionals), «chicken blindness», dystrophic lesions of the retina. The level of glutathione in the body decreases under the influence of poor ecology, radiation, electromagnetic radiation, infections, as well as when taking medications, in children with autism spectrum disorders and with age after 50 years.

VITAMINS B GROUP (В1, В2, В3, В6, В9, В12) — protect the mucous membrane of the eye from inflammation and the harmful effects of computer radiation. They play an important role in maintaining eye health, help prevent vascular problems and contribute to better results in the therapy of retinal diseases. They have a strengthening effect on vision, protect against photophobia and have a soothing effect on tired eyes throughout the day. Deficiency of B vitamins is manifested in the form of optic neuritis, less often — keratitis due to trigeminal nerve damage, paralyses of oculomotor muscles. B vitamin deficiency leads to corneal nutrition disorders, resulting in corneal opacity, light sensitivity and twilight vision disorders.

VITAMIN B3 (Niacin), also known as nicotinamide, nicotinic acid or vitamin PP, can prevent glaucoma, reduce high blood pressure and relieve eye fatigue. It dilates small blood vessels (including the brain), improves microcirculation, and has a weak anticoagulant effect. That is why niacin is successfully used to treat vascular disorders in the eye — it dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood supply to the optic nerve. Studies on the progression of glaucoma have shown that as people genetically predisposed to the disease age, the level of the niacin-containing coenzyme nicotinamideadeninedinucleotide (NAD) in the retina decreases. This coenzyme is essential for energy metabolism, and a decrease in its level can lead to impaired neuronal metabolism and pathological changes in them, as well as to the «ageing» of retinal neurons. The body produces NAD from nicotinic acid, and also this substance exists in the form of nicotinamide — amide of nicotinic acid, vitamin B3. Consequently, increasing their levels increases the resistance of retinal neurons to high-pressure conditions within the eye. Therefore, getting enough vitamin B3 may be a good way to prevent vision problems. According to health professionals, niacin may also help with other neurodegenerative diseases.

VITAMIN B1 is able to ensure the proper functioning of the nerve pathways of the eye (optic nerve). For this reason, it is believed that its supplementation can help to improve visual power, preventing a narrowing of the visual field or loss of visual acuity. It influences pupil function and ensures optimal intraocular pressure levels. Vitamin B1 deficiency increases the risk of glaucoma.

VITAMIN B2 improves colour and night vision. It participates in the work of the eye receptors and protects the tissues of the visual organs from short-wave radiation. Riboflavin strengthens capillaries and improves pupil function. It is thanks to him that the eyes better adapt to darkness, perceive light and colour. Vitamin B2 is part of the visual purple, which protects the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. In the lens of the eye, B2 maintains a supply of glutathione, an active antioxidant. Deficiency of riboflavin in the body can lead to impaired vision at dusk, to rupture of small blood vessels of the eye, a person develops blepharitis, conjunctivitis and photophobia. In case of significant deficiency, there are serious inflammatory diseases of the cornea, diseases of the retina and optic nerve, development of cataracts.

VITAMIN B6 can effectively prevent eye fatigue. It ensures normal blood circulation in the eyes and stable functioning of nerve fibres. Vitamin B6 takes part in cellular (especially active in protein metabolism). With a lack of pyridoxine, the eyes are severely strained, inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, including the conjunctiva, can develop. Deficiency of this substance often leads to involuntary twitching of the eyelids.

VITAMIN B9 (Folic acid) plays an important role in hematopoiesis. If there is a lack of folic acid, the processes of hematopoiesis and the state of mucous membranes are disturbed, which adversely affects the tissues of the eye and, as a consequence, leads to deterioration of vision. In combination with vitamins B6 and B12 reduces the risk of eye diseases by 30%.

VITAMIN B12 helps to restore normal blood supply to the eye tissues. It also supports the work of nerve cells and improves vision in general. In case of cyanocobalamin deficiency, the full blood supply to the eyeball is impaired. One of the complications of B12 deficiency is optic neuropathy (damage to the optic nerve, impairing the quality of vision). Due to the lack of the substance, the nerve impulse going from the eye to the brain cannot be transmitted correctly, which inevitably leads to loss of vision. Also, in case of vitamin B12 deficiency, a person may experience twitching eyelids and the whites of the eyes may take on a yellowish colour.

ZINC, COPPER, MANGANESE and SELENIUM — are useful minerals for vision because they help to improve visual acuity and protect it from inflammation (conjunctivitis). They are part of the organs, cells and regulatory proteins of the visual system, participate in biochemical processes that ensure its health. They have a clinically proven antioxidant effect and contribute to the protection of cell components from oxidative damage.

ZINC plays an important role in eye health because the retina contains large amounts of zinc. Zinc deficiency increases the risk of retinal detachment. This mineral helps vitamin A to absorb and create the pigment melanin, which protects the eye from UV radiation. Zinc supplementation can slow the progressive destruction of the retina, which leads to degeneration of the yellow spot, a common cause of blindness. In addition, zinc helps in the treatment and prevention of cataracts. Also, zinc is an important factor in the functioning of the immune system and in antioxidant defence. In addition, zinc helps to improve vision in the dark and keeps the yellow spot from deadening. As we age, damage to the retina can occur due to iron damage to the cells. Zinc may reduce retinal injury by preventing iron-induced cell damage.

COPPER is involved in oxidative processes that provide us with energy, antioxidant defence, participates in the formation of connective tissue — elastin, collagen and skin pigment melanin. Visual impairment is one of the most common diseases caused by long-term copper deficiency in the human body. The body uses copper to ensure proper functioning of the nervous system, so copper deficiency can negatively affect the function of the nervous system and adversely affect vision. Most often, vision impairment associated with copper deficiency in the blood occurs in people who have recently undergone gastrointestinal surgery. This is due to the fact that such procedures can seriously impair the absorption of the mineral by the body. For the treatment of conjunctivitis and trachoma, copper sulphate is used as an antiseptic and astringent in the form of eye drops and eye pencils. Copper also supports the binding of collagen, thereby ensuring adequate strength of the blood vessels of the eye.

MANGANESE is essential for the proper absorption of vitamins C, E, and the entire B group. It is a powerful antioxidant that seeks out free radicals in the human body and neutralises them, thus preventing cellular damage and other problems. Manganese is very important for the normal functioning of the brain and proper functioning of the nervous system and all organs and limbs. Manganese is able to protect cells from the damaging effects of excess iron, which can generate large amounts of free radicals. This mineral also strengthens arterial tissues, making them more resistant to the formation of sclerotic plaques. Manganese deficiency is noted in many visual disorders: decreased visual acuity; night blindness; cataracts; retinopathy.

SELENIUM has powerful immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties that protect the lens of the eye from the effects of free radicals produced by toxic chemicals, excessive exposure to sunlight and radiation. It prevents premature aging of the body, especially aging of the visual organs, and protects the blood vessels of the eye from the damaging effects of oxidative stress. Selenium improves cell metabolism and inhibits the process of ocular atherosclerosis. It supports the normal functioning of the retina and prevents the development of optic nerve dystrophy. On the content of selenium in visual cells directly depends on visual acuity. Suffice it to say that the highest selenium content in the organs of vision is observed in eagles.


1 Project v s2s safe-to-see vision


Advantages of the dietary supplement "S2S":

  • Powerful formula "S2S", developed exclusively for PROJECT V (VISION) Company, is an optimally balanced product for vision, which uses the maximum combination of all components beneficial for vision.
  • Clinically proven effectiveness of active ingredients — combines an effective multi-component complex of plant extracts (sources of lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanins), L-Glutathione, vitamins, minerals with clinically proven action to maintain the health of the visual system.
  • It contains the daily intake of lutein for an adult — in countries where spinach, pumpkin, legumes and green peas are regularly consumed, it is easy to maintain this level. But only a small percentage of adults have adequate sources of carotenoids in their diets, and some lack them completely.
  • Cryoprocessing technology at -196 °C.
  • The production of "S2S" complies with the high European and international standards of GMP, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Highly active extracts with increased bioavailability.
  • Plant-based capsule — suitable for vegetarian diets.
  • European quality — manufactured in France.
  • Innovative packaging — easy to carry.
  • Free of colourings, stearates and preservatives.


Directions for use:

Adults take one capsule once or twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

30 capsules.

Composition of nutraceutical "S2S" (Safe-To-See VISION):

Ingredients 1 capsule %RI*
Bilberry berries spray dried juice concentrated 140 mg **
Vitamin C 80 mg 100
Tagetes erecta flower extract 50 mg **
— whereof lutein esters 5 mg **
— whereof zeaxanthin esters 200 µg **
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 20 mg 125
Paprika dried fruit extract 10 mg **
— whereof zeaxanthin 500 µg **
Zinc 10 mg 100
L-Glutathione 10 mg **
Vitamin E 8 mg 66
Vitamin B6 2 mg 142
Vitamin B2 1,6 mg 114
Vitamin B1 1,4 mg 127
Copper 1 mg 100
Manganese 1 mg 50
Vitamin B9 200 µg 100
Selenium 50 µg 91
Vitamin B12 1 µg 40

*RI: Reference Intake (According to European Regulation 1169/2011)
**Daily Value not established


3.3 Certificates PROJECT VISION eng

Country of manufacture France
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic box
Quantity in a package 30 pcs.
Age group No restrictions
Dosage Adults take one capsule once or twice daily 15-20 minutes before meals, washed down with a large glass of water.
Components Bilberry berries spray dried juice concentrated; Vitamin C; Tagetes erecta extract, whereof zeaxanthin esters 200 µg and lutein esters 5 mg; Vitamin B3 (Niacin); Paprika dried fruit extract, whereof zeaxanthin 500 µg; Zinc; L-Glutathione; Vitamin E; Vitamin B6; Vitamin B2; Vitamin B1; Copper; Manganese; Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid); Selenium; Vitamin B12.

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