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"MDS" (Medisoya VISION) — menopause before and after, phytoestrogen complex.

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"MDS" (Medisoya VISION) — vitamin and mineral complex with phytoestrogens for women who want to preserve beauty and youth, delay aging and natural changes associated with age, especially neurohormonal and neuroendocrine changes. If taken regularly, it will help delay the onset of menopause. And when the menopause has already occurred relieves painful symptoms: uncontrollable feelings of heat, increased sweating, dryness of the genitalia, mood swings, pain, reduced ability to work.

"MDS" — a source of phytoestrogens, necessary for every woman to prolong youth. These are plant substances, natural substitutes for female sex hormones, which are structurally and functionally similar to estrogen. They make up for the deficit, without having, unlike synthetic hormones, side effects on the body. Phytoestrogens regulate metabolism, correct hormonal balance, relieve menopausal symptoms, contribute to the normalisation of blood pressure, have a mild antidepressant effect, reduce irritability, normalise sleep.

The combination of Calcium and Vitamin D3 in "MDS" is an ideal prevention of osteoporosis during menopause. Calcium in the form of bisglycinate is highly bioavailable and helps the daily protection of bones, joints and teeth.

Properties of the complex "MDS" (Medisoya):

  • Helps delay the onset of menopause by maintaining adequate levels of estrogen in women.
  • Helps slow down the aging process.
  • Restores hormonal balance.
  • Serves as an alternative to hormone therapy, although it is not a hormonal drug.
  • Contains phytoestrogens — analogues of female sex hormones.
  • Eliminates menopausal symptoms associated with menopause. Restores sleep.
  • Increases libido.
  • Stimulates the production of dopamine — the hormone of positive emotions.
  • Reduces the secretion of prolactin — the stress hormone.
  • Prevents skin aging.
  • Normalises mineral metabolism.
  • Improves the state of the bone and joint system.
  • Regulates muscle function.
  • Prevents manifestations of osteoporosis.
  • Helps to normalise the nervous system and brain activity.
  • Normalises blood pressure.
  • Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Normalises heart function.
  • Normalises the functional state of the endocrine system.
  • Improves the condition of skin, teeth, hair and nails.

Recommended as a biologically active food supplement — a source of isoflavones, polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, resveratrol, organic acids, as well as calcium and vitamin D3.
*Biological supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


SOYBEAN EXTRACT is a natural hormone substitute, which helps to quickly relieve symptoms of menopause. It is successfully used for toxicosis in pregnant women and breast diseases. The positive effects of soya bean extract are well known and help with insomnia, anxiety and acute headaches. Soybean extract is widely used in the treatment of menopausal syndrome due to its high content of phytoestrogens, which have a unique selective action on β estrogen receptors. Numerous studies have shown that soy isoflavones are effective in eliminating hot flashes in menopausal women. In addition to affecting the neurovegetative symptoms of menopause, soy isoflavones may reduce total serum cholesterol levels, help reduce low and very low density lipoprotein levels, and increase high density lipoprotein levels. In addition, soy isoflavones have been reported to exhibit antithrombotic effects. Soy may affect the fertility of women, including those undergoing fertility treatment. Soy affects ovulation rates, implantation rates and the menstrual cycle. Studies have shown that soy protects against bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical found in plastics that can adversely affect fertility.

SOYA ISOFLAVONES are a source of phytoestrogens and are widely used for the treatment of menopause and various gynaecological diseases. Phytoestrogens are plant substances that are natural substitutes for female sex hormones and are structurally and functionally similar to estrogens. Unlike synthetic hormones, they compensate for the deficiency without having any side effects on the body. Phytoestrogens regulate metabolism and hormonal balance, alleviate symptoms of menopause and prolong female youth. Phytoestrogens have an almost identical chemical structure to human estrogens, so they easily «fool» receptors, causing cells to react as if they were real estrogens. Therefore, genistein, found in soya beans, is the most powerful anti-ageing phytoestrogen, helping to delay the onset of menopause, as well as eliminate the troubles associated with menopause: insomnia, depression, vaginal dryness, memory impairment, wrinkles, overweight, development of osteoporosis. Phytoestrogens contained in soya beans can improve overall immunity, prevent inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, suppress pathogenic microbiota in the female reproductive system, significantly reduce the risk of cancer. Isoflavones have a powerful beneficial effect on the function of the cardiovascular system, normalise blood sugar levels, relieve menstrual discomfort, significantly improve bone health, normalise calcium metabolism, rejuvenate the skin and protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS EXTRACT is used to eliminate premenstrual syndrome, menstrual disorders, as well as menopause and infertility. Vitex agnus-castus has a beneficial effect on the body of women who have problems with pregnancy. This is often due to increased prolactin levels and decreased progesterone levels compared to normal levels, resulting in suppression of ovulation. Vitex extract has the same effect as progesterone. The plant activates the synthesis of follicle-stimulating hormone and the release of luteinising hormone. Vitex reduces the concentration of prolactin (stress hormone) — an increased concentration of which can lead to irregular menstruation and breast disease. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, disinfectant and analgesic properties. Used in the complex treatment of PMS, as well as with heavy menstruation and menstrual disorders. Relieves unpleasant symptoms, tension, insomnia and mood swings during PMS and menopause. Normalisation of the hormonal background helps to reduce the appearance of unpleasant symptoms during menopause. The plant activates the synthesis of hormones, improves mood and sleep, eliminates headaches, hot flashes and sweating, normalises blood pressure. Vitex extract stimulates the secretion of gonadotropic hormones of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland — FSH and LH, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.

VITIS VINIFERA (GRAPE) SEED EXTRACT is a powerful antioxidant that clears cholesterol from blood vessels, improves heart function, and strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. Doctors advise women over forty to take grape seed extract because it helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Grape seeds contain polyphenols, flavonoids (quercetin, rutin), phytosterols, carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin), complexes of fruit and phenolic acids, vitamins A, B, E, C, trace elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc), as well as a unique resveratrol. These antioxidants effectively protect the skin from free radicals and UV rays. They block the enzymes that break down hyaluronic acid and prevent collagen and elastin fibres from hardening, thereby improving skin firmness and elasticity and helping to maintain a firm facial oval over time. In addition, resveratrol eliminates dryness and inflammation of the skin, reduces age spots, fights oedema and removes excess fluid from the skin. During menopause there is an imbalance of female hormones, which leads to many unpleasant symptoms: deterioration of the skin, loss of skin tone, rashes, acne and wrinkles. Behaviour becomes unstable, sweating and hot flashes appear. At menopause increases the risk of malignant neoplasms. Thanks to natural antioxidants grape seed extract is able to slow down the aging process. The substances contained in grape seeds act similarly to female sex hormones and stabilise the hormonal system.

CALCIUM BISGLYCINATE is the name of a chelate compound, the form of calcium with the best bioavailability and therefore the most absorbable. Not so long ago, calcium carbonate and calcium citrate were the best form of calcium preparations, and now, this is far from the case! Calcium chelate compounds do not cause side effects in the form of liming on the kidneys, blood vessels, joints and GI tract. Thanks to amino acids, which are «native» to the cells of the body, chelate forms of minerals are better absorbed by the body (80-90%) and are already ready for absorption by the small intestine without additional transformations. Calcium transfer occurs through glycine, which is a transport carrier for calcium and promotes more efficient absorption in the body. Glycine is a well-known calming amino acid. Glycine is commonly used as a standalone supplement to improve sleep and treat a variety of inflammatory conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. It can help reduce anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia. Calcium is one of the most important elements during menopause! During this period of a woman's life, metabolic processes and metabolism slow down significantly, and against the background of menopause, calcium is removed from the body faster. Already this can lead to the development of such a disease as osteoporosis. Calcium bisglycinate helps to ensure the daily protection of bones, joints and teeth. But calcium, even when taken regularly, may simply not be absorbed — vitamin D3 is responsible for this process. However, for women over 40, taking calcium and vitamin D3 alone is no longer enough to strengthen bone tissue. And the only way to stop the process of bone destruction is to constantly support the level of estrogen in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to take soya together with calcium and vitamin D3, which regulates bone formation.

VITAMIN D3 regulates the maturation of collagen — the organic basis of bone tissue, improves the nervous system, brain and metabolic processes. In addition, vitamin D helps to produce the hormone endorphin. This is one of the most important hormones for maintaining youthfulness. Endorphin not only boosts mood, but also restores blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, which makes a woman look good: her skin becomes firm and her eyes shine. Women entering menopause should know that vitamin D3 helps prevent many age-related diseases. A woman's risk of developing osteoporosis increases from the age of 40, but is especially high during menopause. Because vitamin D ensures calcium absorption and bone formation, menopausal women should consume adequate amounts of vitamin D3. Vitamin D has been studied for its potential association with some menopausal symptoms. It has been suggested that because calcium absorption and retention (which require adequate levels of vitamin D) decline after menopause, vitamin D levels may influence other hormone-related symptoms at this stage of life. Vitamin D has a positive effect on a woman's nervous system during this period of her life, helping to reduce stress and improve emotional well-being. Scientists have proven that vitamin D receptors are located in areas of the brain that produce serotonin and dopamine, known as «good mood hormones». These are responsible for the formation of positive emotions and memories. People who suffer from depression and bad moods often have lower levels of vitamin D in the body. Sufficient vitamin D in women can promote weight loss by normalising metabolism and increasing overall body tone.

The combination of Calcium and Vitamin D3 in "MDS" is the ideal prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.


Project v mds Medisoya Vision


You need "MDS" if you are:

  • a woman over the age of 30 who wants to maintain hormonal balance in the body and delay the onset of menopause;
  • a woman going through menopause who wants to maintain estrogen hormone levels;
  • a woman experiencing menopausal syndromes (irregular menstruation, mood swings, vaginal dryness, headaches) for relief;
  • a woman who wants to prevent osteoporosis after menopause and keep her body in shape;
  • a woman who has used hormone therapy and wants to find an alternative to hormones to avoid the adverse effects of treatment;
  • a person suffering from liver disease as an active aid to treatment;
  • a woman who wants to maintain normal blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol and improve performance.

Advantages of the dietary supplement "MDS":

  • "MDS" contains effective and safe phytoestrogens, which have hormone-like action, but without the side effects of hormones.
  • "MDS" is a balanced complex of essential plant components, vitamins and minerals, created to meet the needs of the female body in preparation for menopause and during menopause.
  • The formula is enriched with calcium and vitamin D3, which are important for preventing osteoporosis in women, especially during menopause.
  • Clinically proven efficacy of active ingredients.
  • Cryo-crushing technology at -196 °C.
  • Exclusive formula.
  • The production of "MDS" complies with the high European and international standards of GMP, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Highly active extracts with increased bioavailability.
  • Capsule of plant origin. Suitable for vegetarian diet.
  • European quality — manufactured in France.
  • Innovative packaging — easy to carry.
  • Free of colourings and preservatives.


Directions for use:

Adults take one capsule twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medication or have any medical conditions, you should consult your doctor before using any nutritional supplements.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

60 capsules.

Composition of nutraceutical "MDS" (Medisoya VISION):

Ingredients 1 capsule %RDA*
Calcium bisglycinate 180 mg **
Soybean extract 62 mg **
— whereof isoflavones 6,2 mg **
Vitex agnus-castus extract 50 mg **
Vitis Vinifera (Grape) seed extract 10 mg **
Vitamin D3 4,8 µg 96

*RDA: Recommended Dally Allowance per serving (adult in EU)
**Dally allowance not established


Certificates PROJECT VISION eng

Manufacturer Igepharma
Country of manufacture France
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic box
Quantity in a package 60 pcs.
Age group For adults
Dosage Adults take one capsule twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.
Components Calcium bisglycinate, Soya extract, Soya isoflavones, Sacred Vitex extract, Grape seed extract, Vitamin D3.

Delivery "Nova Poshta" in Ukraine — Free of charge!

  • Delivery time 1-2 days.

Address delivery "Nova Poshta" to the door in Ukraine:

  • Delivery time 1-3 days.
  • The cost of delivery from 110 UAH.
  • Free of charge at the cost of the order from 2000 UAH.

Delivery to EU and other countries:

  • Delivery time from 8-14 business days.
  • Order dispatch after payment by Visa, Mastercard via WayForPay* or PayPal payment system.
  • Delivery cost from 400 UAH (from 9 EUR) within the EU and to the UK. The cost of delivery to other countries (not included in the EU and UK) — please consult Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram or Email.

Dear customers outside Ukraine! Especially for you, we always declare the total customs value of ordered goods below 22 euros and arrange the shipment as a «gift», so that you do NOT pay customs duty for import. But even this cannot guarantee that the parcel will not be taxed in the receiving country.

*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. Payments are received to the accounts of Ukrainian banks in the national currency hryvnia. Conversion takes place on the side of the payer's bank.

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  • Payment with WayForPay* by Visa, Mastercard — Without commission!
  • Cash on delivery "Nova Poshta" upon receipt of the parcel — Nova Poshta commission 20 UAH + 2% of the order value.
  • Payment to the bank's card by details — commission at the rate of your bank.
  • Payment via PayPal

*WayForPay — is a Ukrainian online payment service with payment via bank cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems from residents of any countries. Payments are received to the accounts of Ukrainian banks in the national currency hryvnia. Conversion takes place on the side of the payer's bank.

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