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"LV" (Livelong VISION) — 12 of the strongest and most expensive natural anti-aging antioxidants in one capsule!

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"LV" (Livelong VISION) has a systemic rejuvenating effect on all organs and tissues, fights external signs of aging, improves tissue regeneration and accelerates the process of cell division.

"LV" is recommended for systemic protection of humans from the negative effects of aggressive factors of modern life, regulating the heart, strengthening the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, fighting stress and fatigue, improving immunity and relieving inflammation.

Nutraceutical "LV" (Livelong) is used for faster muscle recovery after physical exertion, increasing physical endurance and muscle activity, correcting body weight, improving brain activity and increasing concentration.

Thanks to its natural, organic natural ingredients, which include 12 of the most powerful antioxidants such as: Açai berry extract, goji berry extract, green tea leaf extract, grape seed extract, trans-resveratrol, quercetin, lycopene, coenzyme Q10, zinc, selenium, melon superoxide dismutase (SOD) and L-glutathione, the "LV" product deservedly takes a leading place among all known nutraceuticals designed to slow down aging, and is worthy of being called the «Elixir of Youth». All these components have a powerful immunomodulatory effect, preserve the integrity of cells, including DNA; make the skin firmer and more elastic, smoothing wrinkles; strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them less brittle and stronger; give energy and strength; have a regenerating effect on the human body.

Açai berry extract simultaneously boosts immunity, slows premature aging, nourishes and revitalises the skin, improves blood vessels and blood circulation, stimulates memory, slows vision loss, stimulates the creation of dopamine and serotonin, which improves sleep, has a good effect on mental health and is an excellent source of protein and protein.

Goji berry extract stimulates the production of growth hormone by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This hormone is also called the «youth hormone». The berries are rich in beta-carotene, which helps to keep the skin healthy.

Green tea leaf extract slows down cell aging, stops collagen fibre breakdown, which improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Grape seed extract helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, especially veins, and increases their elasticity. It alleviates heart problems and increases collagen production in the skin, which keeps it firm and youthful.

Trans-resveratrol activates the longevity gene sirtuin, which controls the aging process. It promotes the growth of collagen fibres, helps to keep the skin young and healthy, and activates the regeneration of healthy cells.

Quercetin rejuvenates and promotes the elimination of aging cells in the body.

Lycopene improves skin and hair condition, strengthens skin turgor by stimulating its own collagen production, which eliminates skin laxity and obtains the desired elasticity.

Coenzyme Q10 promotes heart health and boosts energy production in skin cells, contributing to its antioxidant defence, and even reduces the depth of wrinkles.

Zinc improves appearance and regulates sebum. It strengthens the bone system and teeth.

Selenium helps slow cellular aging and regulates metabolism, supports healthy hair and nails.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) reduces oxidative stress, which can contribute to aging. SOD significantly protects type I collagen from oxidative damage.

L-glutathione is important for DNA synthesis and repair, protein and prostaglandin synthesis, and amino acid transport. Sufficient glutathione in the body can slow down the aging process.

Properties of the complex "LV" (Livelong):

  • Promotes natural rejuvenation of the whole body, especially the facial skin.
  • Slows down the aging process of the body.
  • Has a strong complex antioxidant effect.
  • Activates longevity genes ― sirtuins.
  • Perfectly smooths wrinkles, levelling the relief of the skin.
  • Prevents the destruction of collagen and elastin.
  • Maintains skin elasticity.
  • Improves the condition of hair and nails.
  • Has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Neutralises free radicals.
  • Helps to eliminate toxins, purify the blood, strengthen the lungs and improve kidney function.
  • Protects against the effects of ultraviolet rays (photo-aging).
  • Fights the outward signs of aging.
  • Provides DNA protection and tissue regeneration.
  • Infuses the skin with oxygen.
  • Has a healing effect on all body systems.
  • Helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Helps to get rid of fatigue.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Improves vision.
  • Increases physical endurance.
  • Effective for the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Recommended to take to combat age-related changes as a dietary supplement ― a source of flavonoids (rutin), resveratrol, polyphenolic compounds (gallic acid), lycopene, quercetin, coenzyme Q10, superoxide dismutase (SOD), an additional source of zinc, selenium, L-glutathione.
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


AÇAI BERRY EXTRACT slows down the aging process, thickens the walls of blood vessels and reduces their fragility, protects DNA cells, lowers blood cholesterol. Açaí is a real vitamin cocktail: almost all known vitamins and minerals are found in it. It contains 19 amino acids necessary for the growth and recovery of the body, including all essential amino acids — those that a person must necessarily receive with food. The fruit contains large amounts of omega fatty acids, proteins, antioxidant substances, carotenoids, flavonoids, tocopherols, plant steroids and fibre. Acai berries have twice as many antioxidants as blueberries, 10 times more than grapes, 33 times more than red wine. Açaís are commonly referred to as the most antioxidant product, which means they can be used to preserve youthfulness. In addition, they strengthen immunity, remove toxins, help normalise metabolism, energise, restore strength, minimise stress. Also, the superfood improves the work of blood vessels and blood circulation. Berries stimulate memory, improve sleep, have a good effect on mental health and are an excellent source of protein and protein. Anthocyanins (plant pigments) contained in açaí reduce the destruction of skin cells and counteract the aging process. As a source of fatty acids, açaí nourishes and revitalises the skin. It improves the condition of hair and nails, giving the skin a youthful and healthy appearance. Phytosterols regulate the lipid activity of the upper layers of the skin. In addition, phytosterols stimulate the regeneration of skin cells. Açai berry extract prevents glaucoma, chicken blindness and yellow spot degeneration and slows down vision loss. Açai is considered a strong natural Viagra. The fruit has a positive effect on libido, increases sexual stamina and positively affects the amount of hormones in the human body.

GOJI BERRY EXTRACT stimulates the production of growth hormone by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This hormone is also called the «youth hormone». This superfood is believed to help prevent premature aging, strengthen the immune system, improve diabetes, protect against heart disease and cancer. The secret of goji extract lies in its rich composition: it contains 18 amino acids (8 of which are essential), 21 minerals, as well as vitamins B, C, E, choline. Goji berries also contain polysaccharides, zeaxanthin, carotenoids, alkaloids, peptides, phytosterols, taurine, bioflavonoids (45% of which are quercetin, mirecetin, kaempferol and rutin). Extraction allows us to preserve all the beneficial substances contained in the berries. All these substances are incredibly useful for our body — for example, polyphenols have a very favourable effect on the intestinal microflora. They do not allow the development of pathogenic microorganisms. With regular consumption of berries in a person improves brain function, memory. Berries have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so they are a good prevention of oncology. The red colour of goji berries gives a high combination of carotenoids and anthocyanins — they are very useful for blood vessels, especially for small capillaries. Goji berries also contain a lot of bioflavonoids. Thanks to these substances, vitamin C is better absorbed by the human body. Berries are also useful for the heart, because they contain quite a lot of potassium. Experts recommend the use of goji berries in PMS and menopause, as they alleviate their symptoms. In menopause berries eliminate swelling, improve mood and normalise high blood pressure. Goji are effective in the treatment of infertility. Useful nutrients restore reproductive function, improve ovarian function and normalise the hormonal background. Goji berries are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and amino acids that normalise skin colour and help keep skin healthy. Goji is also rich in vitamin A, a nutrient known to improve blood circulation. With improved scalp blood circulation, hair growth is accelerated and hair loss is prevented. Goji berries not only increase libido but also have a positive effect on sperm quality.

GREEN TEA LEAF EXTRACT contains many beneficial substances, including catechins, which have antioxidant properties. It also contains small amounts of caffeine and theanine, which may have a stimulating effect. In addition to polyphenols, green tea contains mineral salts, trace elements, vitamins B, A, C, E and K. Green tea extract slows cell aging, stops the destruction of collagen fibres, which improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. Strengthens blood vessels, normalises blood circulation, reduces the load on the heart muscle. Green tea extract protects brain cells from oxidative stress, can reduce the effects of heavy metals that can damage brain cells. Also, green tea, by enhancing communication between different parts of the brain, helps improve memory. Primarily, green tea extract is suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle as a stimulating and tonic supplement. It will provide you with energy and increase your efficiency. Due to its antioxidant properties, it affects the heart, brain, liver and muscle repair. It helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood. Regulates sugar levels, affects the body's sensitivity to insulin. Actively used in dietetics, is included in the composition of fat burners. Increases the production of heat energy. Due to diuretic action helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body. It has a favourable effect on the appearance, in particular on the skin, preventing acne, as well as improving the condition in the presence of various skin diseases.

GRAPE SEED EXTRACT contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other compounds that have a positive effect on the whole body. Separately it is worth noting polyphenolic compounds, the main among which are proanthocyanidins. These substances relieve oxidative stress and also have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, brain, kidneys, liver and skin. For those who really care about their health and appearance, grape seed extract is a real treasure trove of beneficial nutrients. Thanks to its unusual composition and a wide range of effects on the skin, this extract is actively used in cosmetology and dermatology. Thus, the high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition prevents hair loss, tightens the skin and evens its tone. In addition to their ability to block free radicals, proanthocyanidins also have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Grape seed extract is also a rich source of flavonoids, which help increase bone density and strength. It relieves inflammation and stimulates the immune system. Grape seed extract has been proven to stimulate neural connections and improve brain function. This contributes to the normalisation of general well-being and the work of vital body systems, including cardiovascular and digestive. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, which leads to a reduction in oedema and feelings of fatigue, heaviness in the legs. The use of the extract increases stamina and allows you to withstand high physical loads. Experts recommend taking seed extract for women over forty years old, as it helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Antioxidants in grape seeds stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, which allows it to keep elasticity and youthfulness. Also nutraceutical "LV" is recommended for age-related retinal damage, visual impairment and attention disorders.

TRANS-RESVERATROL is one of two geometric isomers (molecular structures) of resveratrol. Resveratrol is the common name for a dietary supplement product containing polyphenols that act as antioxidants, whereas trans-resveratrol is the active ingredient found in a resveratrol supplement. Trans-resveratrol is believed to have greater biological activity. In addition, resveratrol can have varying degrees of purity, whereas pure trans-resveratrol contains 98% of the active ingredient. In studying resveratrol, biochemists at Harvard University discovered that it contains sirtuin, a longevity gene. Resveratrol activates this gene and thus inhibits the aging process, preventing skin aging and preserving skin elasticity. It stimulates the growth of collagen fibres, helping to keep the skin young and healthy, activates the regeneration of healthy cells, has an immune stimulating effect, stimulates memory and stamina, and improves performance. Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory properties, increases the body's defence against atherosclerosis and reduces bad cholesterol. Eating foods containing resveratrol may help improve blood circulation and lipid metabolism. Resveratrol differs from other antioxidants in that its molecules can pass through the blood brain barrier and affect the brain itself and the nervous system. Research in the UK shows that resveratrol can improve blood flow to the brain and have a beneficial effect on brain function. Resveratrol affects high blood sugar levels and can be used to prevent obesity and diabetes.

QUERCETIN is a natural antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and protects the body from free radical damage. It is the most studied naturally occurring flavonoid. It has more activity in the body than other bioflavonoids. It helps lower blood pressure, strengthens blood vessel walls, protects against radiation and speeds up the repair of damaged tissues. It also works well against viral infections and relieves inflammation. Studies show that this substance blocks enzymes involved in the inflammatory process and suppresses some histamines that aggravate inflammation. Due to its antioxidant properties, quercetin may act as a preventative agent against the development of cancer. In experiments, scientists found that supplements rich in this flavonoid not only stopped the growth of cancer cells, but also caused their death. Quercetin's antioxidant properties may also help reduce the risk of degenerative brain diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Due to its antioxidant properties, it has beauty benefits, helping to maintain the condition of hair and nails. Quercetin has anti-aging effects, reduces acne and improves skin health. Therefore, it is also used as an ingredient in cosmetics. Quercetin has a positive effect on intestinal function and vision, reducing the risk of developing glaucoma or cataracts.

COENZYME Q10 is responsible for the formation of molecules that are the most important energy carriers in the body. The reserves of these molecules, which our heart needs most of all, need to be constantly replenished. And it is ubiquinone that maintains these molecules at the right level, regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood and is the most effective prevention of various cardiovascular diseases. In addition, coenzyme Q10 actively fights free radicals, which are the main cause of the steady aging of the body, and also reduces vascular permeability. Coenzyme Q10 deficiency is mainly observed in elderly people. However, it can also occur in young people! The first signs of coenzyme Q10 deficiency are lethargy, rapid fatigue, depressed mood and constant tiredness. Taking Q10 promotes heart health, regulates blood sugar levels, helps in the prevention and treatment of cancer, and reduces the frequency of migraines. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction can reduce muscle energy, preventing muscles from contracting effectively and performing exercise. Nutraceutical "LV" can affect muscle strength, performance and reduce fatigue. Coenzyme Q10 can reduce damage from internal and external damaging factors by increasing energy production in skin cells and promoting antioxidant defence. Q10 reduces oxidative damage provoked by UV rays and even reduces the depth of wrinkles.

L-GLUTATHIONE is a sulphur-containing peptide composed of three amino acids: glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. This important water-soluble antioxidant protects the body from oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which can lead to premature cellular aging. It also participates in the synthesis of other antioxidants, prevents cell death, protects brain neurons and supports the immune system. The product "LV" contains the reduced free form of L-glutathione for optimal absorption and assimilation. L-glutathione is known as the «master antioxidant». Apart from its powerful antioxidant properties, it also helps to reuse other antioxidants, also like vitamins C and E. It plays an important role in regulating immune cell function and is a powerful neutraliser of toxic substances. Glutathione is important for DNA synthesis and repair, protein and prostaglandin synthesis, and amino acid transport. Sufficient glutathione in the body can slow down the aging process. Glutathione is a fast-acting natural ingredient that eliminates age spots, brightens skin to make it healthy and radiant, and is involved in the formation of elastin and collagen. Glutathione is used to reduce skin inflammation after invasive procedures (laser resurfacing, mesotherapy). The antioxidant effect of glutathione supplements has been confirmed in many clinical studies. Thus, a study involving men at high risk of cardiovascular pathologies showed that taking L-glutathione supplements increased endogenous antioxidant defence, reduced total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein levels, and improved vascular health. Another study showed an improvement in redox status and increased levels of vitamins A, C and E in all participants of the experiment.

SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE (SOD) is one of the most powerful natural antioxidant enzymes in the body. It is responsible for neutralising the most dangerous free radicals of all — radicals with a high superoxide reaction. In terms of its antioxidant capacity, it is 1000 times more powerful than vitamin E. SOD is used in cosmetics and slows down the aging process of the skin. Primary antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase are the first and most important line of defence against highly reactive, potentially damaging oxygen free radicals. Active forms of oxygen destroy collagen, which gives skin elasticity, and hyaluronic acid molecules, which are responsible for moisturising the skin. These processes accelerate skin ageing. When released into the bloodstream, the powerful antioxidant SOD reduces oxidative stress, which can contribute to ageing and diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke and arthritis. SOD significantly protects type I collagen from oxidative damage. The action of superoxide dismutase is aimed at both preserving the natural state of the skin and restoring its normal characteristics, altered for various reasons. Under conditions of normal metabolism, SODs maintain the stationary concentration of superoxide radicals at a certain level, thus protecting cellular structures from damage by free radicals. Thus, by its mechanism of action, SOD has taken its rightful place in the group of biologically active substances that form the basis of anti-aging skin care, preventing damage to such important skin components as collagen and hyaluronic acid, and preventing inflammation. SOD improves cellular respiration, leaving the skin soft, supple and velvety.

LYCOPENE is one of the most powerful antioxidant carotenoids. In terms of antioxidant activity, lycopene surpasses the well-known beta-carotene by 2.5 times. Despite the fact that lycopene belongs to the group of carotenoids, it does not have A-vitamin activity. Lycopene may prevent or delay cataract formation and reduce the risk of yellow spot degeneration, a major cause of blindness in the elderly. Its main function in the human body is antioxidant action. Reducing oxidative stress helps to significantly slow the progression of atherosclerosis, while protecting DNA and thereby preventing oncogenesis. Lycopene may also reduce the risk of heart disease. It lowers total and «bad» cholesterol (LDL) levels and increases the amount of «good» cholesterol (HDL). Scientists from different countries have reliably proved that lycopene stimulates the work of all organs of the human body, and has a rejuvenating effect on them. It is a powerful defence factor against cancer. Thanks to lycopene, the structure of the skin is improved and collagen production is stimulated, thus reducing the formation of wrinkles. In addition, lycopene protects the skin from UV rays.

ZINC is a component of more than 300 enzymes involved in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis, cell growth and differentiation (especially of immune tissue), and extracellular matrix (collagen) formation. Simply put, zinc is needed for protein and DNA production, muscle growth and repair, proper sense of taste and smell, promotes wound healing, helps the immune system fight bacteria and viruses, improves digestion and regulates hormone production. The need for this micronutrient increases with age. This also occurs in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in men and women during prolonged physical and emotional stress. The male body uses zinc to maintain normal function of the reproductive organs and sperm production. After the age of forty, men especially need to keep a close eye on their zinc levels, otherwise a deficiency of the mineral can lead to a drop in testosterone levels, leading to erectile dysfunction. Adequate zinc levels can also prevent prostate adenoma. In women in adulthood, the mineral is essential for maintaining intimate health, hormone levels and a stable menstrual cycle. Zinc is actively involved in the production of the female sex hormone estrogen. Zinc supplements clear the skin even in severe forms of acne and cystic acne. Doctors recommend increasing the amount of this mineral in the diet if you are prone to dermatoses. By stimulating collagen production, zinc smoothes out early wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. Hair and nails consist of protein, in the synthesis of which zinc is actively involved. Its deficiency leads to the fact that the curls begin to split, lose strength and lustre, and nail plates grow poorly, delaminate and become covered with white spots. Zinc is a real elixir for hair and nails, revitalising lifeless strands and crumbling nails.

SELENIUM takes part in the work of the immune system, prevents the aging of the body, stops the development of inflammatory processes. It controls protein formation in muscle tissue and myocardium. Without selenium, sports and increase muscle mass is almost impossible. Contributes to the health of hair and nails. In the reproductive system is involved in the production of testosterone (for men it is a «good» potency, and for women — the pledge of the formation of estradiol, «good class» estrogen). When a woman is deficient in selenium, she experiences «early aging and menopause» and labour weakness. It has been found that over 70% of people have a deficiency of this mineral. Selenium is also responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It not only helps to maintain a good mood, but also the ability to concentrate. It is believed to be able to prevent certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. The trace element is responsible for eliminating toxins, heavy metals, and poisons from the body. A powerful antioxidant, selenium helps to maintain skin elasticity for longer. Mineral for the body is necessary to maintain healthy hair, accelerating their natural growth. Selenium is part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which is involved in the body's antioxidant system, thus protecting our heart from free radicals. Selenium is used to treat arrhythmias, reduces the risk of sudden coronary death. It reduces oxygen starvation of heart tissues, reduces the effect of toxic drugs on the heart. Selenium, being one of the strongest antioxidants, helps slow down cell aging, helps regulate metabolism.


Project v lv livelong vision


Advantages of the dietary supplement "LV":

  • High efficiency of the complex due to the formula saturated with active components of natural origin.
  • Promotes natural rejuvenation of the whole body, especially the skin of the face.
  • The ingredients of the complex have a powerful healing effect on all human organs and tissues.
  • If you purchase the individual components that make up this product, the purchase amount will significantly exceed the cost of dietary supplements "LV".
  • Fast action due to the use of highly active extracts with increased bioavailability.
  • Clinically confirmed effectiveness of active components.
  • Technology of cryo-crushing at -196 °C.
  • Exclusive formula.
  • The production of "LV" complies with the high European and international standards of GMP, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Capsule of vegetable origin — suitable for vegetarian diet.
  • European quality — manufactured in France.
  • Innovative packaging — easy to carry.
  • Free of GMOs, colourings, stearates and preservatives.


Directions for use:

Adults take one capsule twice a day (in the first half of the day) 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

60 capsules.

Composition of nutraceutical "LV" (Livelong VISION):

Ingredients 2 capsules %RI*
Açai Fruit Extract 200 mg **
Green Tea Leaf Extract 150 mg **
Goji Berry Extract 150 mg **
Trans-Resveratrol 80 mg **
Quercetin 40 mg **
Coenzyme Q10 20 mg **
L-glutathione 20 mg **
Grape Seed Extract 20 mg **
Zinc 10 mg 100
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) 10 mg **
Lycopene 2,5 mg **
Selenium 60 μg 109

*RI: Reference Intake (According to European Regulation 1169/2011)
**Daily value not eatablished


3.3 Certificates PROJECT VISION eng.jpg

Manufacturer Trading Point Group Elite Pharm
Country of manufacture France
Form of issue Capsules
Package Plastic box
Quantity in a package 60 pcs.
Age group For adults
Dosage Adults take one capsule twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, drinking a large glass of water.
Components Açai Fruit Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Goji Berry Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Trans-Resveratrol, Quercetin, Coenzyme Q10, L-glutathione, Zinc, Melon Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Lycopene, Selenium.

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