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I often take calcium for my bones and joints. Thank you for the excellent calcium
The best herbal calcium on the market. My children have increased in height, my nails, hair, bones and teeth are stronger
My back was hurting. Couldn't bend over. 1 OS tablet a day and after 3 days I was able to bend over easily. The pain decreased. I continue to take OS. No pain pills. I am very happy!
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"OS" (OsteoSanum VISION) — a source of calcium, silicon, zinc and vitamins for bones

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"OS" (OsteoSanum VISION) — a complex of marine minerals and vitamins to strengthen bones, teeth, muscles, hair, nails and joint health.

Nutraceutical "OS" (OsteoSanum) contains in one capsule 834 mg of sea minerals from whole calcareous seaweed and, when taken daily, helps to reduce the risk of fractures and normalise muscle function. The exclusive ingredient formula works in several directions at once: strengthening bone structure, supporting muscle function and normalising blood composition. Suitable for athletes, as it normalises proper protein absorption and muscle tissue growth.

Complex "OS" contains Aquamin™ Calcium derived from calcified seaweed. They have a positive effect on blood clotting, help prevent the development of osteoporosis, improve the structure of bones and teeth, neutralise excess stomach acid, strengthen bones, improve the appearance of the skin. Plant minerals are radically different from earth minerals. They are a unique source of minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium and more than 74 other important trace elements in the same proportions as in human blood plasma. Of these, calcium, magnesium, chromium and iron account for the maximum amount. The combination of trace elements and calcium together increases the rate of calcium absorption in the human body and promotes bone health. The bioavailability of calcium and magnesium is twice that of their mineral compound counterparts. At the same time, absorption is safe, calcium and magnesium are not deposited in the blood vessels or kidneys.

Vitamin K2 makes bones denser, reduces the likelihood of fractures, is a calcium regulator (thereby strengthening bone tissue and teeth), increases the strength of blood vessel walls, streamlines the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes good kidney function. Vitamin K2 delivers calcium exclusively where it is needed — in the bones and teeth! But where calcium can do harm, vitamin K2 destroys it. For example, it removes calcium from the arteries, particularly the aorta.

Vitamin D3 contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. Necessary for the normal growth and development of bones, and also maintains healthy teeth and good muscle function. Ensures maximum absorption of calcium.

Bamboo exudate extract has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with rheumatoid arthritis and other common inflammatory conditions. It provides active remineralisation of bone tissue. Bamboo extract contains a large amount of silicic acid. Responsible for the production of collagen in bone tissue, prevents the depletion of cartilage matter, promotes its regeneration.

Silica is an absolutely essential mineral if you want to strengthen your joints and bones. It has a decisive influence on the normal construction and development of the bone skeleton and the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases. Calcium is more of a preventive mineral against osteoporosis, but is not very effective during treatment. Silicon, on the other hand, allows to improve the condition already in the presence of osteoporosis. Increasing the content of this mineral allows to increase the level of calcium.

Zinc is an important mineral that influences the growth process. If there is a lack of zinc in the body, bone growth slows down. It has a direct stimulating effect on bone formation by activating osteoblastogenesis and mineralisation. Zinc supplementation may help bone repair in people with osteoporosis.

Vitamin B6 supports the structure of bones and teeth. Contributes to the retention of calcium in the body, protects bones and teeth from calcium leaching. Interacting with calcium ensures the normal operation and health of the cardiovascular and nervous system, musculoskeletal system.

Vitamin B9 is necessary for the proper formation of fibrous collagen skeleton, without which the bone is deformed and loses strength, becomes sparse. Folic acid is especially important for the processes of growth and development, has a positive effect on fat metabolism in the liver, cholesterol metabolism and a number of vitamins.

Vitamin B12 is important for the formation of bones, increases their density. It also affects muscle growth, as it participates in the process of protein metabolism. It enhances the activity of iron and calcium, affects the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of blood vessels, cartilage and bone tissue.

Properties of the complex "OS" (OsteoSanum):

  • Ensures adequate formation of bones and teeth, bone and muscle mass in children and adolescents.
  • Supports and regenerates bones and muscles in adults, especially athletes.
  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly and helps restore bone density in osteoporosis.
  • Reduces the risk of fractures and bone deformities.
  • Improves bone structure, increases bone mineral density.
  • Prevents deformation of the spine, preventing violations of posture.
  • Prevents the leaching of calcium from bone tissue.
  • Positively affects the process of mineralisation of teeth.
  • Strengthens the muscular system and helps prevent muscle spasms.
  • Promotes protein metabolism.
  • Protects the heart and blood vessels from calcium deposits.
  • Participates in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps bones heal faster in fractures.
  • Promotes faster recovery from sports injuries and helps to avoid sprains.
  • Participates in the maturation of collagen, the most important protein in bone tissue.
  • Maintains vitamin D3 levels, which is especially important for people who are rarely exposed to the sun.
  • Alkalises the body thanks to the 74 minerals in its composition.
  • Normalises heart rhythm, helps in the formation of insulin.
  • Relieves inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Strengthens teeth, hair and nails.

Recommended as a biologically active food supplement — a source of calcium, silicon, zinc and vitamins of groups D, B and K. 
*Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and rational diet.
*Not a medicinal product.


SEA MINERALS from whole calcareous seaweeds (Lithothamnion sp.) are unique plant material, which are rare and unique species of red algae. The algae is harvested from the seabed of the North Atlantic in Iceland in accordance with all environmental standards. It is a unique source of minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium and more than 74 other important trace elements in the same proportions as in human blood plasma. Of these, calcium, magnesium, chromium and iron account for the maximum amount. There are also many valuable amino acids (lysine, arginine, isoleucine and others). Among the vitamins found in plants, B vitamins are highlighted. The combination of trace minerals and calcium increases calcium absorption by the body and promotes bone health. Among most calcium supplements on the market, seaweed has twice the bioavailability of calcium and magnesium than limestone. The absorption is safe — calcium and magnesium are not deposited in the blood vessels or kidneys. These substances regulate the transmission of nerve impulses and activate proteins. They also have a positive effect on blood coagulation, help prevent osteoporosis, improve bone and tooth structure, neutralise excess stomach acid, strengthen bones, improve skin appearance, and effectively treat severe joint inflammation. Lithothamnion red algae have a relaxing effect. They help to remove lactic acid from muscles and joints. In addition, algae Lithothamnion helps to normalise disturbed metabolism. It stimulates the thyroid gland, improves blood circulation and helps to cleanse the body of toxins. It also normalises the acid-alkaline balance, which can be disturbed if there is a large amount of protein in the diet.

Aquamin™ CALCIUM is an organic calcium derived from seaweed, which has a higher bioavailability than limestone in most calcium preparations on the market. Due to its unique structure, Aquamin™ biocalcium is much easier for our bodies to digest and absorb than calcium derived from animal stones and bones. It can also be taken on an empty stomach. It is organic calcium Aquamin™ was chosen as the basis of nutraceutical "OS" (French dietary supplement OsteoSanum VISION). It contains 74 macro- and microelements in the same proportions as in human blood plasma! They form a synergetic complex and noticeably enhance the effect of calcium and magnesium. It is in this ratio that the useful substances are maximally assimilated by the human body by 90%. Studies show that Aquamin™ Calcium may reduce the amount of perithyroid hormones. This allows calcium to be better absorbed by bone tissue, as these hormones help move calcium from the bones to other parts of the body. Consequently, Aquamin™ is an important source of calcium for the prevention of osteoporosis. Aquamin promotes normal blood clotting, adequate muscle contraction, peripheral nerve fibre function and brain function. Calcium regulates the work of many enzymes, thereby controlling metabolic processes in tissues and organs. But this mineral is especially important for the hard tissues of the body: without it there will be no strong bones, tooth enamel and dentin.

BAMBOO EXUDATE EXTRACT contains zinc, iron, phosphorus, organic acids, polysaccharides and essential oils. Importantly, it contains eight amino acids vital to the human body. Bamboo has many beneficial properties and is the richest natural source of silicic acid. Bamboo exudate extract is more enriched with silicon dioxide than just bamboo extract! It is silicic acid that is the building material and growth stimulator of connective tissue and is involved in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, including the famous hyaluronic acid. Silicon «sews» acidic mucopolysaccharides and proteins into a single complex. Silicon compounds affect the metabolic processes of blood red blood cells. Bamboo exudate extract has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with rheumatoid arthritis and other common inflammatory conditions. Provides active remineralisation of bone tissue. Bamboo exudate extract is responsible for collagen production in bone tissue, prevents cartilage matter depletion and promotes its regeneration. In addition, bamboo helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels at the cellular level. The plant helps relieve depression and strengthens hair and nails. Tibetan folk healers recommend using bamboo-based preparations to improve immune function, treat asthma and various types of allergic reactions.

SILICA plays an important role in maintaining the flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, increasing vascular elasticity, improving the functional state of skin, hair and nails, normalising lipid metabolism, and accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses. Participates in the formation of collagen, the main component of connective tissue, which provides flexibility and elasticity of the skin, joints, cartilage, blood vessels, as well as hair, bones and nails. Silicon is essential for the formation of internal tissues. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system and slows down the aging process in tissues. In its deficiency reduces the body's resistance to neoplasms, infectious and inflammatory diseases. Silica assists in the «building» of bones independently of vitamin D. It is therefore essential for children, adults and the elderly. Calcium acts more as a mineral to prevent osteoporosis, but is not very effective during treatment. Silicon, on the other hand, can improve the condition already in the presence of osteoporosis. Since silicon regulates the absorption and proper distribution of calcium throughout the body, it has a decisive influence on the normal structure and development of bones and the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases. When we talk about the proper distribution of calcium, we mean that this element should participate in the construction of bone tissue, hair and nail structure. It should not be deposited in the vessels, thereby narrowing their lumen. It turns out that in case of bone fractures, our body needs 50 times more silicon compared to the normal state. Increasing the content of this mineral allows us to increase the level of calcium — the main restorative material in injuries. Silicon prevents degeneration of intervertebral discs. It is necessary for proper and fast healing of fractures, torn and damaged tendons and ligaments.

VITAMIN K2 (also known as the world's most expensive vitamin Menaquinone-7) — provides nutritional and antioxidant support for the cardiovascular system, promotes bone health, increases bone density and reduces the risk of fractures. Vitamin K2 is a regulator of calcium, an important mineral found in bones and teeth. It delivers calcium exclusively where it is needed — in the bones and teeth! But where calcium can do harm, vitamin K2 destroys it. It removes calcium from the arteries, especially the aorta. Calcium buildup in the largest arteries can cause them to calcify, increasing the risk of aortic rupture and sudden death. Vitamin K2 is essential for the production of prothrombin, a protein and clotting factor of blood coagulation. Normal blood clotting is an important health factor. Vitamin K2 (in the form Menaquinone-7) is more active than vitamin K1 and other menaquinones. To date, vitamin K2 has been shown to reduce urinary calcium loss, increase bone strength and density, increase bone mineral content, inhibit bone resorption and reduce the risk of fractures. Symptoms and consequences of vitamin K2 deficiency: rapid fatigue and loss of energy; increased sensitivity and bleeding gums; tendency to bruising at minor blows; nosebleeds; frequent episodes of haemorrhages in the eye; pain in the bones and joints; prolonged healing of abrasions, scratches, cuts; intestinal disorders.

VITAMIN D3 plays a key role in calcium absorption and helps regulate bone metabolism. It improves immunity and supports neuromuscular function. Vitamin D3 regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, ensuring their absorption from food in the small intestine and promoting the deposition of calcium in bone and dentin. Essential for normal blood clotting and thyroid function, and may also improve cognitive ability. Vitamin D3 is essential for bone and muscle growth, good posture, mental development and an active immune response. Its deficiency increases the likelihood of serious health problems. Taking vitamin D3 for joints and bones is necessary and it is better to do it constantly, especially if you have already experienced injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, taking vitamin D can not only help to quickly restore bone and ligament integrity after injuries, but also helps to prevent musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. Muscle function, contraction and relaxation, depends on calcium. Also on muscle cells were found attachment sites, i.e. receptors, of vitamin D. Given these facts, we can conclude that vitamin D (by improving the absorption of calcium) directly affects the muscles. Supplemental intake of vitamin D3 consistently improves muscle strength!

ZINC is an important mineral that influences the growth process. It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, optimal testosterone levels in the blood or the normal condition of the skin, hair and nails. Due to zinc deficiency in the body, bone growth is slowed down. Zinc enhances the effect of vitamin D and promotes better absorption of calcium, so its deficiency leads to osteoporosis — weakening of bones and their brittleness, especially in older people. Prevents inflammation in the joints and relieves pain. Studies show that zinc levels in bones decrease with age and musculoskeletal stress, suggesting that zinc deficiency plays an important role in the development of bone disease. Zinc intake leads to increased bone mass. This mineral also has a powerful anabolic effect on bone. Zinc intake promotes bone repair in osteoporosis caused by various pathophysiological conditions such as aging, bone underloading, aluminium toxic effects on bone, calcium and vitamin D deficiency, arthritis, diabetes, and overconsumption of endogenous zinc for fracture healing processes.

VITAMIN B6 helps to preserve calcium in the body, protecting bones and teeth from calcium loss. Vitamin B6 is one of the main regulators of almost all metabolic processes in the body. Controls the production of more than 60 enzymes, and interacting with calcium ensures the normal operation and health of the cardiovascular and nervous system, musculoskeletal system. The main task of vitamin B6 is the transport of amino acids. It is required for the release of carbohydrates accumulated in the muscles and liver into the blood. This process is very important for an even supply of glucose to the cells. Approximately half of all the vitamin B6 available in the body is involved.

VITAMIN B9 is involved in the proper formation of the collagen framework of bones, without which bones lose strength, become deformed and thin. Folic acid is of particular importance for the processes of growth and development, has a positive effect on fat metabolism in the liver, cholesterol metabolism and a number of vitamins. Folic acid is involved in a particularly important and even decisive metabolic process — cell division. Too little folic acid can lead to insufficient or no cell division.

VITAMIN B12 increases bone density, participates in the processes of protein metabolism, thereby influencing the growth of muscle mass. Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in cell division, DNA and RNA production, tissue regeneration, increases the activity of iron and calcium, affects the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of blood vessels, cartilage and bone tissue, protects nerve cells, improves brain function. Vitamin B12 helps relieve inflammation in the joints. It attaches to proteins and prevents them from carrying white blood cells that release cytokines, substances responsible for symptoms of inflammation such as swelling and pain. An osteoporosis study conducted at Tufts University confirmed that the loss of bone mass that can lead to fractures is directly related to vitamin B12 deficiency.


Project v os osteosanum vision


Advantages of the dietary supplement "OS":

  • The composition of the complex includes well-known and well-studied components that have undergone long-term clinical studies.
  • The original and exclusive formula of ingredients of synergistic action works in several directions at once: strengthening of bone structure, maintenance of muscle functions and normalisation of blood composition, protection of cardiovascular system and regeneration of tissues of skin, nails, hair and joints.
  • Contains the revolutionary vitamin K2, which ensures the transport of calcium directly into bone tissue and prevents it from settling in blood vessels.
  • Suitable for athletes, as it normalises the proper digestion of proteins and growth of muscle tissue.
  • Unlike other vitamin and mineral complexes with calcium, the unique formula of "OS" is supplemented with bamboo exudate extract.
  • The production of "OS" complies with the high European and international standards of GMR, ISO and HACCP food safety.
  • Highly active extracts with increased bioavailability.
  • European quality — produced in France.
  • Suitable for vegetarians.
  • Innovative packaging — easy to carry.
  • Free of colourings, stearates and preservatives.


Directions for use:

Adults take one tablet once or twice a day after meals, drinking a large glass of water. Children one tablet a day.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medical drugs or have any medical conditions, you should consult your doctor before using any dietary supplements.


Store at room temperature (not exceeding 25°C) in a dry place out of reach of children.

Form of release:

30 tablets.

Composition of nutraceutical "OS" (OsteoSanum VISION):

Ingredients 1 tablet %DRV*
Sea minerals from Lithothamnion seaweed 834 mg **
Calcium 250 mg 31
Bamboo exudate 20 mg **
— whereof silica 15 mg **
Zinc 10 mg 100
Vitamin В6 2 mg 142
Vitamin В9 250 µg 125
Vitamin К2 11,25 µg 15
Vitamin D3 5 µg 100
Vitamin В12 2,8 µg 112

*DRV: Dietary Recommended Values
**Daily value not established


Certificates PROJECT VISION eng

Manufacturer Trading Point Group Elite Pharm
Country of manufacture France
Form of issue Tablets
Package Plastic box
Quantity in a package 30 pcs.
Age group No restrictions
Dosage Adults take one tablet once or twice a day after meals, drinking a large glass of water. Children one tablet a day.
Components Sea minerals from calcified seaweed Lithothamnion sp., Aquamin™ Calcium, Zinc, Bamboo exudate, Silica, Vitamin K2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B9.

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